Nutes: NEED em, or?


Well-Known Member
Are nutes important to have? I don't want to get too complicated, I'm stareting my first grow soon so if I use them I want it to be something I can mix easily and just have on hand. Not a whole bunch of shit that will mess with my already scattered state of mind.


Well-Known Member
you will need them for sure, just buy some all in one plant food if you want to keep it simple. you might give it too much or too little of some of the nutes but its better than nothing.


Well-Known Member
As far as the all in one goes... what should I look for? Know any brands off hand?

And for adding too much of one thing or another, you can always flush it right? Or just use water and wait until the plant returns to normal?


Well-Known Member
Food - do I need to eat it or not? And if so, can I keep it simple (and easy) by eating just popcorn all the time? Or do you think that I would be better off with a balenced diet?

Do the math!


Well-Known Member
there are good pre-fertilized organic soils out there(not slow release, time release or anything miracle grow) i.e bio-bizz all mix, bio-canna and canna terra profesional, plagron batmix to name a few that in a big enough pot (minimum 15ltr) will provide enough nutes from start to finish using just plain water and give u plenty-o-bud! Or any light potting compost mixed with a little bat guano, bone n blood, sea kelp and the like will do u ok too in a big enough pot. u can do this until u get the feel for growing and become more confident to start using liquid ferts.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Can I just find those soils at a garden center or do I need to look elsewhere? I really just want a finished grow with enough bud to smoke. I'm only in it to save money (I say that now).

You're saying I could germinate, then plant right into a pot with one of those soils, and it would be fine until I harvest it?


Well-Known Member
Can I just find those soils at a garden center or do I need to look elsewhere? I really just want a finished grow with enough bud to smoke. I'm only in it to save money (I say that now).

You're saying I could germinate, then plant right into a pot with one of those soils, and it would be fine until I harvest it?
yep iv done it, not sure where abouts in the world you are in terms of availability of soil brands etc, most soils will suffice but most potting soils and composts will only contain enough food for the first 2-4weeks of life and will then yr plant will need to be moved on into a bigger pot of fresh soil mixed with some blood n bone or bat shite and u can do this a few times during veg until yr into yr final large potsize before flower. If u can get hold of any of the above soils theyre found mostly in growshops iv used them and can vouch for all of them, just germinate seeds however u plan on germinating, i just throw them into expanded compressed peat jiffy plugs theyre available at most garden centres and i get near 100% germ rate. The above mentioned brands are organic pre fertilised soils and are bit too heavily ferted for very young seedlings so start in a small pot say 3or4 inch round or square with 50/50 soil and perlite to dilute the soil then when yr seedling is showing plenty of roots out of the pots drainage holes then transplant into yr final LARGE pot of neat pre fert soil and if your planning on not feeding u'l need a big pot! Both these ways u may encounter some defiencies i.e yellowing of leaves, but if yr just looking for a bit of smoke and to get the feel of growing these will work well


Well-Known Member
My plants grew best in a mix of useless yard dirt and peat moss. I had no problems until I started adding things to it.


Well-Known Member
For maximum yield, yes, you do need nutrients. In hydroponics, aeroponics, wick systems, hempy buckets, or any variation thereof, you absolutely must use nutrients.

However, you can grow without nutrients in soil. Whether it will work very well is entirely subjective, and is dependent on the soil you use. Most basic soil mixes contain only the most basic nutrients, and the plant will use them up during the vegetative cycle. It will still work, but you'll get very little for the effort you put in. However, if you carefully make the mix yourself (peat, organic topsoil, a bit of compost perhaps, and some sort of nutritious tea), it's possible you will never need to use nutrients throughout the grow.

Like the other poster said, if you get a nutrient rich commercial soil (a quality brand, mind you) you can get an amazing plant from planting to harvest. I personally recommend FoxFarm products, especially Ocean Forest. It's widely regarded as one of the best soils of its type on earth. "Light Warrior" has much more peat, and is primarily intended for cuttings/veg/hydroponic applications. "Happy Frog" is great, but for the price you might as well go with Ocean Forest. If you can afford it and don't mind a little extra work, I recommend a Light Warrior and Ocean Forest mix.

Like the same poster said, you should probably never use MiracleGro. You can, in fact, successfully grow in MiracleGro, but it is definitely not formulated for cannabis. It's a hassle, and without a method to check ph, it's difficult to adjust. Adding any nutrients into their stuff unless it's very, very old will burn your plants without a doubt. The strong, unbalanced time-released fertilizer they put in there may burn your plants anyway, though.

Lastly, my friend... If you mix your own, great! As far as teas, I recommend SuperTea and Budswel. Compost always helps. But if you decide to go very basic (peat, spaghnum moss, topsoil, etc), you should still find some items to supplement it, because the plants will probably not be what you expect. Read up and look for household items people use.

If you want Budswel, SuperTea, Ocean Forest, Happy Frog, Light Warrior, or the brands the other poster mentioned, go here:

Worm's Way - Gardening Products, Supplies, Service, Support, and Knowledge Base for all your hydroponics, indoor, outdoor and organic gardening needs, year 'round!

Easy, painless and cheap.

Good luck!

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Well-Known Member
All life need nutrents Humans Fish animals and plants ..... Like a skinny under nutred man Similar to how a under nutred plant ends up .


Well-Known Member
Mandala Satori, Grown in 5 gallons of FF OF for 73 days no nutes.

Hahah i for got about mandals satori this is my favorite strain Ive posted a lot about it and people normaly dont know what it is .......... White widow gives massive yeilds without nutes ... thou they are probley getting there nutes from top water as there is cal. among others in european top water


Well-Known Member
one of my church clones at just 4 weeks of 12/12 rooted in a root riot cube then into a small 1 gallon pot of neat canna terra profesional soil for just 4days under 18/6 in veg room(2x125w envirolite), then into flower room(600w hps), i have a huge variety of nutes in my arsenal but none added as yet and i wont be adding any. I grow my main seed grown plants (with nutes) and take a few clones off each to boost yields and never give my clones any feed just water. U can see some slight yellowing starting lower down but this is nothing to worry about. I normally harvest around an ounce dry off each small clone and 3-5 off my seed plants(vegged for 7weeks). I even grew a bagseed once outside on my balcony, didnt start it till the end of july in soil that was in a tomato grow bag already used for the previous years tomato's, and tomato's cane the nutrients in their soil, it finished 4ft tall gave me a couple of ounces with zero added nutes just 'eau d'tap'...



Well-Known Member
All life need nutrents Humans Fish animals and plants ..... Like a skinny under nutred man Similar to how a under nutred plant ends up .
nutes are not needed to live. to plants nutes are like us wasting money on a health product. we dont need it as long as we eat food. plants food will be supplied in the GOOD soil. yes they do help get bigger growth but wont increase the potency.
when i grew up growing we never had nutes and we did fine. dont buy the all in one crap it is usualy mg


Well-Known Member
NUTES ARE NOT NEEDED TO LIVE. to plants nutes are like us wasting money on a health product. we dont need it as long as we eat food. plants food will be supplied in the GOOD soil. yes they do help get bigger growth but wont increase the potency.
when i grew up growing we never had nutes and we did fine. dont buy the all in one crap it is usualy mg
nutes ARE needed to live, a plant without the basic nitrogen phosphorus potassium and magnesium will not grow, the plant equivalent of us wasting money on health products(alot of which are very beneficial) is buying super dooper mickey mouse bud boosters and overpriced plant health tonics, the point is that if u arnt looking for great yields there is no need to use ADDITIONAL plant food so long as u have sufficient volumes of soil so yr roots can always grow out in search of its basic nutrients required to sustain growth
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Well-Known Member
isn`t that what i said. it will gat enough nutes to live and make buds, yes not verry good. nutes do make for a bigger better plant but not 100% necesary. if he uses good soil and proper care it will survive