Nutes with every water?


Well-Known Member
For all the soil growers, do you always water your plants from start to finish with nutes?

If not, when do you flush or water with just pure water?

Trying to find a good watering plan from start to finish, because I think this grow I had a salt buildup from not watering with just pure water.



Well-Known Member
generally you don't need to give them nutes right off. Your soil should have some nutrients in it. The nutes should tell you how often to use them. If not then just feed them ever 2nd or 3rd watering.


Active Member
you can also add things like bat guano, and worm castings to your soil mix to give your girls a light nutrient amount that wont harm them.


Ive tried to simplify that whole deal recently - I use General Hydro bloom and micro at 2 parts bloom one part micro (Lucas Formula) and ive been feeding at roughly 400ppm everytime. good size nugs, and I havent had to flush once. i still have 99% of all the leaves still intact and perfect color. I wont flush till the 8th week - Just for good measure to ensure it smokes clean. Next time i might start increasing the strenghth - but only one pot (plant) at a time. I hate having to flush. and when they freak out from overfertilization it makes me freak out and wanna pull my hair out trying to put 15 gallons through each pot....... long story short go easy on the nutrients your first run- folloing manufacture's recommendations was my biggest mistake when i first started


Well-Known Member
For all the soil growers,
do you always water your plants from start to finish with nutes?
If not, when do you flush or water with just pure water?

Trying to find a good watering plan from start to finish, because I think this grow I had a salt buildup from not watering with just pure water.

Yes every watering but make sure they are hydro nutes ,not nutes that say to apply every 2 weeks(eg. MG) as this will burn the plant.


Well-Known Member
I was giving them 1/2 strength A.N nutes everyday since the went into soil.

Maybe I should be giving them 1 week water, 1 week nutes, repeat..?


Well-Known Member
the methodology of "feed, water, feed, water" only works when the soil needs it that if you've got nutrient rich soil and are watering it only AS NEEDED, you dont need to feed it at all through the grow...but if your soil is very airy so the water runs right out the bottom pretty easily, you will strip nutrients out of the soil quicker requiring more feedings...until you could get to the point where you might even have to feed at every watering...

everyones soil is all different unless you are using a specific recipe from honestly there is no amount of posting in this thread about how often you should feed or water your plants that will actually help you, except for the "lucky" one that just happened to suggest the type of feeding/watering schedule that works for your soil :)

If you have great soil to begin with, you don't need to flush, you just keep it watered and she pumps out the goods to ya :D