

So... I would love to be informed and educated in the field of real old school organics and any help is greatly appreciated. I know that coffee grounds provide Nitrogen, and bananas will provide Potassium. The problem how much I should add per gallon of water. One more question that if answered will help me enjoy the fruits of my labor: What would one use as a natural source of Phosphorus? Thanks fellow Stoners.....


Well-Known Member
well the idea is to ammend your soil check out the top of this sub forum the thread 2010 Super Soil has the latest super soil thread wich is a fully ammended soil so you only have to add water


I'm using the Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil that has bat guano, crab, fish, and shrimp meal, forest humus and moss in it, but it doesn't say the ratios. It says on the package that no nutes are needed for 30 days. I'm coming up to re-potting and don't want to burn as soon as I re-pot because I added nutes and such.