

Hey I am a new grower and I was just wondering what nutes I should be using for vegitative and flowering. Any brands in particular that work well?


Well-Known Member
Sure - I use General Hydroponics stuff. Johnny - you doing Hydro or soil? I can help with some links if you let us know what method you're considering.

Welcome to the forum.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
Any complete fertilizer you buy should work. Doesn't have to be something from the hydro store. If you do go to a hydro store, make sure to buy a "base" nutrient. Don't let em talk you into buying a bunch of additives.

Just remember that less is more.


Well-Known Member
If you read up a bit on here there is some great info on making your own soil mix. After you let it sit for a month you don't even need nutrients for over half the grow period. Some don't use any the whole run. General Organics GO box is 30 bucks and has everything from start to finish to grow around 6 nice plants. Hope this helps. Good luck!


Active Member
I Agree with Wavels Jacks Classic bloom 10-20-30 and Veg 20-20-20 are the best for your money especially if your doing a large outdoor. It would of cost me thousands in nutes if i went with advanced or foxfarms Instead it only cost me $80 for the 20 lbs of JR peters his post got me started on it in the first place. thanks wavels.

I threw in some humic acid and calmag and superthrive as well it works pretty awesome, but i wish i had the money for fulvic acid aswell. definatley next time.

I heartily recommend Jack's Classic. I use the Dynamic Duo. I also advise the use of powdered dolomite lime. Jacks works great and is quite inexpensive compared to cannabis specific products. Good Luck.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
If your using a decent premix soil, not stuff from the back yard, then you shouldn't need any nutes for veg if your just going 3 - 4 weeks. I would recommend a 1 part bloom fert. I use age old bloom, and my afgooney loves it. My best advice is to stay very simple with soil, your not missing anything not buying $200 worth of nutes. If you want to get into lots of additives and micro management of doasges do it in hydro.