

Well-Known Member
High all, hey I got a question , I’m in the 2nd week of 12/12 now on a 10-12 week flowering sativa .
I use Age Old Grow nutes, pro soil, long story short they have a veg and bloom product ,12-6-6 and 5-10-5
They can be used together . My first watering (after cycling) I went half and half on the veg. , bloom nutes how long could I use the veg., nute mix. Or should I at all now?

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
there will be a lot of opinions about this . you can do any thing you want with your numbers 12/6/6 great for veg and the 5/10/5 works for veg or ok for flower those numbers are not really that high in the p second number . I would use the 12/6/6 until I starting seeing some half inch round buds on the tops then switch to the 5/10/5 run that straight to try to get max yield . and it will not have any yelling of the plants with that number will be nice and green through your entire grow