Nutirent tox??


Well-Known Member
3rd grow and starting to get he hang of things. I kinda nutirent tox my plants. I'm using fox farm soil with fox farm nutirents and added a little to much nutirents. Now my question is how will I know if I corrected the problem? I look at new growth right? Also will lower leafs stay dark green? here are some pics I have 2 other plants besides these that are a lot more green and clawing and tips are like droopy.


Well-Known Member
Which FF soil and which of their nutes are you using and at what strength?
Im using fox farm ocean forest and I'm using big bloom and grow big. I give 259 ppm of grow big and big bloom to the first plant and the other 2 smaller plants I'm adding 109 ppm with grow big and big bloom. What do I look for to see if I'm fixing the nutirent tox? Do lower leafs get less green or do I only look at new growth?


Well-Known Member
Ok, firstly, I do not own a PPM meter never have, never will. 2nd how many tsp/gal are you feeding? As for what to look for in correcting the issue...did you read the info in the link I posted?


Well-Known Member
Yep nitro tox ... On next watering give straight water ( simple flush )
It will clear some of the issues. FF Nutes also salt up if you are not careful.
PPM ratios are subjective and can vary between strains anyways ( heavy feeders )
PH is actually more important . You can use tap water ( depends on your local municipal water system ) BUT FFOF has PH Buffers already part of the mix.

Stick with the guide .... NO NEED TO GUESS
Run around 1/2 strength all the way thru. Don't over think it
You will thank me.