nutrient advice. humboldt gravity +rep for help

tommy gibbs

Well-Known Member
i just got my gravity in the mail and the instructions say move my hps (250 watt) 6 to 12 inches away from the plant upon usage. is that really necessary or can i leave it as is


Well-Known Member
Use a lower recommended dosage and YES, move your light up about 8'

For starters:
soil 1.0ml per gal
hyd .5ml per gal

tommy gibbs

Well-Known Member
its alright to start using the gravity if im about 15 days into flowering right. the bottle says wait till 3 weeks before harvest, but i dont have anything to supplement in the mean time


Well-Known Member
i would get another round of nutrients if your doing hydro, and start your gravity at week 4 or 5.. that way your plants will stock up on the micro's and macro's to use for leaf stem and buds production as it needs.. remember to always start with low doses and gradually work up .. with gravity and bushmaster a ppm or an ec is probably necessary to get maximum effects.. that boy has no legs..


Active Member
I was going to post this in plant problems but this thread looked like a good place to post as well. I have 11 ladies that just started to flower today. They are in ocean forest and have had no other nutrients other than the bushmaster that i applied as a folier spray. approx i ml to a gallon. applied three times in 10 days now I appear to have burned my plants. Im not sure if this is the case or not. Only 4 plants show signs. Is this nutrient burn? The plants are under a 400 watt mh, until today when they got switched to a 400 hps. The strain is BCBD "The Black" Any help would be great!


tommy gibbs

Well-Known Member
im using soil, heres a pic to show where im at. about day 11 of flowering. plants about 2 feet tall, lots of budsites crawling up the branches, so im thinkin ill probably use a half dosage next watering


tommy gibbs

Well-Known Member
one pic didnt load. not sure why they are so fuzzy, the plants right infront of a stove and is approximately the same height and width



I know this is a very old thread, but I just don't want somebody to think this is the correct way to use Gravity. DO NOT use this product within the 1st 5 weeks on an 8 week strain. It is not a nutrient, it is a plant growth regulator, so it does not 'boost' plant growth, Gravity is a flower hardener, when you don't have flowers you can't harden them. Please, anybody using this product wait until your buds are already developed and then you can harden them with gravity the last 2-3 weeks.