Nutrient Burn!?


Hay guys so recently switched over from a 40% nutrient solution once daily, to a 50% nutrient solution twice daily. And i am pretty sure i put my ladies into nute shock.


1000W HPS on a 12/12 schedule
Ph of solution 5.8-6.2
Temps 78-80F
Nutrient solution - 50% Nutrient Strength BC nutrient regime

The pics of the plant with the dots on it is the only plant that has this problem and is actually the only strain of its kind

Just trying to figure out what is going on with the ladies so a little help would be much appreciated.

Thanks guys!



Well-Known Member
The plants look fine to me. That spotting on the leaf almost looks natural. How long has it been there? What is your PPM?

I think that when looking at your entire grow, the plants look fine. I see the few yellowing leaves and wouldn't sweat them at this point, unless your PPM or PH is off, and it sounds spot on. Nice looking canopy, great job!


PPM is at about 750 not too high. I first thought it was a lack of nitrogen, then did some reading and thought that it may not have been. haha just trying to figure it out, but thanks for the help really appreciate it!


Oh and as far as how long the spotting has been there, it has been quite some time, it just now got more visible. Thought it had something to do with the other plants turning that light to yellowish green.


I am at 2 weeks, two days into flowering. How do you think they are looking? It is about on par in reference to where it should be?


Well-Known Member
^Yeah man, they look like they started flowering quickly. Must be a short-finishing strain. like 8-9 weeks? My Ice plants take off fast like that, and are a 8-9 weeks strain. Congrats, lookin excellent.


So it is definitely Nitrogen Deficiency. More leaves are turning yellow, and a few are even becoming necrotic.

I am using BC nutrients feeding schedule.
BC Boost - 3 tsp
BC Bloom - 3 tsp
Awesome Blossoms - .5 tsp
Thrive alive B1 red - .5 tsp
MagicCal - .5 tsp
SugarDaddy - 2.5 tsp

I am doing this at a 50 % Rate and i am Still having nitrogen problems. Should I go to the hyrdo store and pick up something to boost the Nitrogen, or should I just increase one of the above nutrients? Please help guys i would really appreciate it!

I am still having Nitrogen problems