Nutrient burn


New Member
Is this nutrient burn?
After reading a bunch of threads I am pretty sure this is nutrient burn as it appeared after changing the reservoir. But it doesn't look exactly like the other pics. Can someone shed some light on this?



Well-Known Member
doesn't look like nutrient burn. looks more like a genetic flaw in the leaf structure or something rubbed and damaged it. if it gets worse on the same leaf without any contact damage, come back with pics and maybe someone can help you.


New Member

How are the roots looking after res. change

I did have a slight pH fluctuation about a week ago. But since then everything has been kept at a steady 6.0. After changing the res. the roots look good, slight brown staining from the nutrients, but deff not root rot.
It only appears in a couple of places. And it looks like every place that it is occurring is where leaves are touching. I didn't realize the leaves touching would cause damage?

The damage is rust colored this morning, will try to post more pics after work.