nutrient burn?


Well-Known Member
This plant looked nice and healthy yesterday. Now it looks like this. FFOF & CFL lighting. Yellowing and leaves curling up. Nutrient burn or heat stress?
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Well-Known Member
On another plant is showing similar yellowing but its yellow spots on the edge. And the tip of the plant is crispy feeling


Well-Known Member
Yes nute burn, back it down FFOF is a super hot soil for Little ones. Main cause of plant problems is growers giving too much of everything. That green is very dark. Are you giving nutes alread? call your city hall and get a water quality report (you NEED to know what's in your water)

(could easily be too much crap in your tap causeing a ruckus)


Well-Known Member
I haven't been giving any nutrients other than what might be in the tap water. I think I'll pick up some distilled water for the next watering. Could it possible be wind stress? There is a couple fans blowing in there but I would have thought this wouldnt have shown up suddenly like that, since that fans were blowing the same in the 1st healthy plant pic


Well-Known Member
Could I transplant in 50% perlite in my Ocean Forest to cut the hotness of the soil? Into a 1 gallon container


Well-Known Member
it's not nute burn. nute burn would be yellow just at the tips first. almost looks like too much N. i don't do dirt but i have heard the ffof is pretty hot. most mix it with the other ff soil to tune it down a bit.


Well-Known Member
Dont use plain distilled water it will flush nutrients from your soil by osmosis.You need to always carry some nutrient load in your water to prevent this,if you use distilled I recommend you add ~150 ppm of a cal/mag supplement to it.Or get an ec reading of your tap and use that.

Distilled water is only good for batteries.Its not good for people or plants.


Well-Known Member
My temps are running between 75-85. When I first noticed this the temps were slightly higher around 85, I had the closet door closed and the fans were on low. However the problem has still progressed this morning even after I've backed off lights and increased air flow. The temps were at 78 when I checked this morning. Humidity, unfortunately I don't have a humidity reader, Im on kind of a budget and thought I could skimp out on that. Im running 15 CFL's, 4 of them are 42 watts, the rest 20-23 watters, hanging about 2-4 inches over the canopy. Ive backed that off to about 5-6 inches now


Well-Known Member
I haven't been giving any nutrients other than what might be in the tap water. I think I'll pick up some distilled water for the next watering. Could it possible be wind stress? There is a couple fans blowing in there but I would have thought this wouldnt have shown up suddenly like that, since that fans were blowing the same in the 1st healthy plant pic

If all you are giving them is tap water then that is likely the problem. They are mature enough now to require nutrients. So the yellowing and brown spots is the plant drawing out nutrients from its fan leaves for energy to produce new growth. It is eating itself. So start feeding...simple...

But i wonder...why would you ask if it was nute burn if you werent giving it any???????


Well-Known Member
Some of the seeds are Girl Scout Cookies and they seem to be less effected by this so far, only slightly showing some yellowing on tips this morning. The ones that are the most effected are a hybrid of 9lb hammer and black cherry cola, and were the ones that first sprouted and have been growing the most vigorously. The slower starting seeds, the "runts", arent showing much problems yet


Well-Known Member
But i wonder...why would you ask if it was nute burn if you werent giving it any???????
Because I read up on the soil I chose to use, FFOF, and read reports it could cause nute burn on some young plants, but also noticed about 50% of peoples reports claimed they used it just fine and it was such a great soil that I decided to go with it. They only sprouted a week and half ago


Well-Known Member
The plants on the top picture, to the left with the really yellow leaves, are NOT the ones i'm talking about. Those are a previous goof up, I used real cheap water retaining soil and over watered. I'm trying to do these others the right way now. FFOF and 15% perlite

They are in 16 oz plastic cups. I'm thinking its time to transplant into 1 gallon container but now I'm kind of worried to use this OF soil now!
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Well-Known Member
the 85 temps are too hot but usually plants recover quickly once you lower the heat.

maybe some of the soil guys can help more with the use of ffof.


Well-Known Member
They do look overwatered.... maybe transplant those to 1 gal pots and give em a little bit of water with nutes at about 30% of recommended strength...


Well-Known Member
They will grow out of it once you transplant.

If your worried get Roots Organic Potting soil. Difficult to overwater and i've never had significant nutrient problems using their soil/bottled products.