Nutrient burn?


Plants in 5 gal pots in tupur coco under 8 bulb t5's. Temps are at 78F and humidity between 55-65%.
Water used is r.o
Ph at 6.0-6.2
Drip clean - 0.4ml per gal
Cal mag - 3ml per gal
Roots excel - 1ml per gal
Algen extract - 1ml per gal
Hygrozyme - 4ml per gal
Bcuzz grow - 4ml per gal
Grotek pro-silicate - 2.5ml per gal
Pure blend tea - 3ml per gal
I raise the ppm to about 900-1000 with pure blend grow.

i also give water with cal mag between each feeding as a flush.

Plants are currently in veg. I've been using this veg schedule for 3 years now without any problems so I am curious as to why the plants look like this. I have also calibrated my ph and ppm meter which seemed fine. Any input is much appreciates guys.

