Nutrient cocktail??


Well-Known Member
Ok so here is the deal, I am switching the lights over to 12/12 here in the next few days, and I need to go buy some flowering nutes.

I would like a few opinions on what I should buy and why?

but first a little background.

The plants are in 5 gal. buckets filled with fox farm's Ocean Forrest potting soil. I would like to go organic, but in actuality I am after quality and yield. I have grown before, but this time I want everything to be perfect!

any and all opinions would be greatly appreciated.




Well-Known Member
big bloom and tiger bloom. made by foxfarms

there are schedules on using foxfarms, google it. start it off with half the recommended dose.

the big bloom is going to encourage blooming, u give it to it increase the size of the buds, scent, flavor, all that

tiger bloom is what is gonna give u huge buds. use them together bro


Active Member
I agree, I as well am using ocean forrest and use grow big, big bloom, and tiger. They work great and I have had many friends have great experiences and yields with all these. I am currently doing a grow using them myself. smooth sailing. Start at quarter strength, then half, then maybe follow the schedule not what is on the back of the bottles. Also I have seen happy frog fruit and flower work really really well. good luck bro.