Nutrient def. or Lockout???

got three girls on 12/12 having minor problems can not identify the problem!



Kush Berry Cronic
100_0224.jpg100_0225.jpg100_0226.jpg....nothing wrong with her except she smells like blueberry strain with coffeeeee...

All new nute changes are ph'd at 5.6 as ph goes up after a few days all General Hydroponics...need help!!

Last years grow


My ppm is 1300 & 5.6 ph and i dont have cal-mag. I thought it could maybe be nute lock out so im flushing plants for 1 hr with flora kleen then same nutes but -root innoculant & bacteria....and also do a foilar feed with spray n grow + flora vegan.


Active Member
Looks to me like you are giving it a decent amount of nutes and if ph is actually 5.6 then you shouldnt have an issue with nutrient uptake so im gunna go with mg deficiency. what scale is you ppm meter .5 or .7?
Well my girls are looking alot better after flora kleen, just connected my inline and carbon brought my temp down to 70.0 Fahrenheit ++...oh about my ppm meter .5 .7 is that the accuracy your asking about?


Active Member
no im asking what scale is it on when compared to EC
like if EC was equal to 1000 or 1.0 then what would your ppm be with ur meter some show 500 some are 700 ppm