Nutrient expire?


Well-Known Member
I am using my 4 Liters of Advanced Nutrients for the 2nd year and my rez is getting slimey the water is getting cloudy also. I am using a 6 stages RO water so the water itself is not the problem, comes out at 0ppm.

I am using:

Sensi Grow A&B
Sweet Leaf
H202 35%
Rooting enchancer

The sweet leaf is organic.

I am wondering if these nutes can expire or what could cause this problem?

I also don't have cover on my actual rez. but i used a smaller rez few days ago with a cover and the water became the same.

I don't run airstones by now, and no circulation pump as well so far, but on my 2 first grow, i never ever had a problem with my water. neither without airstones and circulation pump.

I just put my 3x3 RW cubes in 8" pots with hydroton however few of the cubes have some algae grown on, doe's this can affect my water? I am using a flood&drain system, flood every 4 hrs.

I filled 100L(25GAL) of RO water 3-4 days ago and mixed a 250ppm solution. Now the ppm is at 450'ish and the water is slimey, cloudy, any clues? :roll:




Well-Known Member
I'm not sure about expiring, but I know that if I mix up nutes and add Hygrozyme(root enzymes) to it, then leave it sit for a couple days, it get's white'ish slimy crap on top of the mix.


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks. I will clean my res. and i will fill it with fresh RO water and i will add only Part A & B Nutes and see whats happen, and slowly i will add other nutes and see.
Hey Xan-man, to answer your question without going into advanced chemistry of course your nutes can expire! While synthetic formulas may last longer on the shelf compared to their organic counterparts, even they go bad within 6 months. If you have ever looked at the bottom of an old nutrient jar or resoivor and seen salt crystals, that means your nutrients have reduced their effeciency. For example, most feeding programs recommend a resoivoir change every week or 2 weeks at the latest because they degrade when in contact with other nutrients in the solution, exposed to active root systems, light, and air! So many factors can alter the quality of your nutrients that for best results, sterility and maintanence of your resoivoir is of the utmost importance! When making a nutrient solution, do not worry about adding your nutes one by one into your (I hope) bubbling resoivoir, so long as you make sure to change it every week or so and keep the solution agitated so nutrients do not settle / fall out :). If you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask!


Well-Known Member
I just finished to refill the res with fresh RO water. Mixed up 250ppm of Sensi A&B, nothing else for the moment. Added 2 air stones. Hopefully things will be good this time.


I just finished to refill the res with fresh RO water. Mixed up 250ppm of Sensi A&B, nothing else for the moment. Added 2 air stones. Hopefully things will be good this time.

Yes, nutrients can expire. Hopefully the hydro store is making sure that nutes aren't sitting on the shelf that long. That would be a bad thing.

If you've had the nutes for a long time, then I always check with the company before I use them.

Yes, I'm that anal retentive.

Well, I actually keep track of when I get my nutes, marking them with a permanent marker so that I can keep track of how old they are.

You could always call Advanced Nutrients and ask them if the nutes need to be tossed. I'm sure they'd replace them if you determined they were expired and the hydro store had sold you bad stuff.

Other than that, not too sure what to tell you. Sounds like you're on the right track otherwise.
