Nutrient lockout are Deficient. Are not enough light.Not sure.Your advice is welcome.

Hello Guys So Iam going into the 3rd week of flower and having some little problem i wanted to see if you could tell me what this looks like to you.

This is what iam feeding my plants right now it mite seem high but they where vegging for 4 months and they where about 3 1/2 feet before i went into flower

Bcuzz A at 3ml per liter of water
Bcuzz B At 2.75ml per liter of water
Bcuzz growth at .5ml per liter of water
Bcuzz Bloom at 2ml of water
Cal-meg at 5ml per gallon of water
Bcuzz PK-13 at 2ml per liter of water

The Nutreient values are
Bcuzz A 3-0-3
Bcuzz B 0-2-4
Bcuzz growth 1.0-0-0.7
Bcuzz Bloom 0-0-.7
Cal-meg 2-0-0
Bcuzz PK-13 0-13-14

My Soil Mix
50% sunshine mix
25% ocean forest
25% Fox farm

I ph my water at 6.4

Lights-One 1000 watt,two 600 watts
Plants-9 plants in 7 gallon pots

Temp 78
Humidity 20% i have a humidifier but i just stop useing it. I have really never used one and my plants have grown fine.

Air Flow- I have one fan that blows back and forth on my plants. One 400 cfn max fan that blows in to my 3 lights to keep them cool.The air goes right outside. I had fresh air coming from outside in to the room.I stop doing that when i keep having spider mites.I bought a filter.But my other fan dose not have enough cfn.To get air thru the filter.So i have just been keeping the door open now.

My watering cycle. I give nutrient every time. And every month i give my pants straight water with clearex.Untill i get a 20% runoff.To keep the shit from build up

My grow cycle- Veg went fine started at 1ml of my A and B and bumped it all the way up to 2.25 of A and 2 of B and was adding cal-meg. Once i went into Flower I started to add 2ml of Bloom,5ml of cal-meg per liter of water,2.25ml of b per liter of water,2.25 of A, and 1.5 of Pk-13 per liter of water.The ppm was 1500. The reason it went up.The way i grow is once i go into flower i kick my A and B up every week by .25 till week 4 then i stop and just keep it at that.And for the next two weeks.I just keep watering it that ppm for two weeks.Then just water. The second week i got a Potassium defincy. To solve this i went up by .25ml on my A and B and kicked up my Pk-13 by .25ml to put it up at 1.75ml.I have never done that.Because my directions on the bottle just have it at 1.5ml the whole way thru flower.Always been fine. But thses plants are bigger then what i have ever grown. But that seemed to fix it. Untill a week later i just stared to get leaves yellowing from the bottom to the middle of the plant. Not really the top at at all. To try to fix this i just went up again .25ml on my A and B and pk-13.It seemed to slow it down but did not fix it. So iam thinking i have a nutrient lock out. Only reason i dont think its nute burn. Is the new growth has no brown on the tips.And i gave a big watering of just water before i went in to flower.

So here Is my ? if its is nutrient lock out how do i fix that i have never had that happen. Do i just pour plain water in with some clearex and water till get a 20% runoff are do i give it a mild nutrient solution and give it enough water till it has a 20% runoff.And with the whole flushing thing in flower a month in.Is that what most people do are do they just wait till week 7.Are could it just be theres just not enough light getting to the leaves and they dieing.Because to me it just seems.To be happing to the bottom plant.And they just turn the way in the pictures and fall off real easy.But iam on here for yalls opinion

The levees what they lock like. The first 4 pictures are what the leaves do in steps on the plants.The other there are just more leaves.And the 6 one shows you how they just crumble up and turn brown and stay on the plant. The rest are just more leaves.
Top of plants

I think i put everthing down. But if yall could please help me with this problem i really like to hear from you. Yesterday was when i was going to water but i wanted to put this on here first to see.What people said.I will water later today.



Active Member
Ill keep my eye posted to this thread. My plant is doing the same thing, but i haven't entered flowering yet.. Im using Fox farm ocean mix.... My run off is really low in PH... whats the PH of your run off?


Active Member
you have veged for 4 months, how long have thoes plants been in the same dirt?... I think Sunshine's PH takes a massive dive after a while