Nutrient Problems. Foxfarm.


Active Member
I've been watering my plants with purified water so I'm guessing the ph is around 7 which is to high but I don't have a ph meter. I have all the foxfarm nutrients so could someone tell me how much of each I should put into a gallon to bring the ph down closer to 6??


Well-Known Member
I've been watering my plants with purified water so I'm guessing the ph is around 7 which is to high but I don't have a ph meter. I have all the foxfarm nutrients so could someone tell me how much of each I should put into a gallon to bring the ph down closer to 6??
If this is a hydro, coco, or nutrientless/unbuffered soil then you'll need to worry about the PH and you need to get a PH meter or you might as well just kiss your babies goodbye now. If its a good prelimed potting soil you don't need to worry about your PH as the lime keeps the soil PH around 6.8(which is what you want for soil).

If you tell us what medium you are growing in we might be able to help you more, but honestly if you are going hydro you NEED a PH meter...


Active Member
I'm growing in 3 gallon pots with foxfarm ocean forest mix soil. I know I need the ph really bad. Somehow they have managed to stay decent tho. Nute burn is extremely slow still a ton of green not to much yellow. But is there anyway I can add nutes to the water without a ph but the right amount to bring in down some??


Active Member
I never used a ph meter until I got all my hydro stuff.. FFOF is pretty good at holding ph 6.3-6.8 I believe is the range, shouldn't be a problem but if you're really worried, buy flora PH up down. It comes with ph test drops / kits (imo better than calibrating ph meter every watering). And then you have ph up down if needed..

*edit* I never used ph testing equip for a year of growing with FFOF. my tap is 6.8-7.3 as well..

Oh and just feed regular, don't add nutes to try and lower ph or raise it.. waste of nutes.


Active Member
The ph is to high the leaves are burning slowly but surely. I need to lower it and dont know else how... I never get a good answer on this site ever....


Well-Known Member
Fox farm nutes will drastically lower your ph. One teaspoon of Big Bloom can bring it down from a 7 to a 4.0. You need test strips or the liquid ph test drops to be sure .Otherwise it's a dangerous guessing game.


Active Member
I KNOWWWWWWW THIS. And I know a million of you use these nutes and have a ph tester so I don't see why its that hard for one person to know how much of each I should put in a gallon to drop it from 7 just a couple or a few points lower.......


Well-Known Member
I KNOWWWWWWW THIS. And I know a million of you use these nutes and have a ph tester so I don't see why its that hard for one person to know how much of each I should put in a gallon to drop it from 7 just a couple or a few points lower.......
Get a tester yourself ...and do the math ... No one has the same water, nutes differ from region to region, medium to medium .... stop expecting someone to come up with an impossible answer to an impossible question .... you've gotten good tips. now get a ph meter.


Active Member
I would use it like the directions say to use it, but if you dont trust the label use 1/2 strenth. or if YOU KNOW your PH is to high you could get Ph down???