Nutrient Question?

Hey all,

I bought some orhcid food for my autoflowering plants. The NPK ratios looked really nice. Grow is super high in nitrogen and bloom has high potassium. People have been saying these aren't good nutes tho.

One guys said it will make my soil to acidic. Can anyone recommend some good nutrients? Also just in general if the bottle says like 30-10-20...would that be the same as 3-1-2. .like are tehy showing ratios? or is that how strong the nutrient is? like a 30 nitrogen is stronger than a 3?


Well-Known Member
The higher the number the stronger the nutrients. I would say you are probably fine to.use those nutrients I would start with 1/4 strength of the recommended dose on the bottle. Your soil will be too acidic with any nutrient lines if you do not adjust the Ph of the solution. If you have any other questions please ask.