Nutrient questions +rep

Ok using a water farm just one plant I thought the strain was ice but now I'm not sure cause I had a seed from a really awesome bag haha so it's either ice from nirvana or some random ish either way at 4 wks it looks amazing crystals starting to form everywhere which make me think its an 8 wk strain. Ok everytime I post in here I can never get a response haha I must be boring as shit. But + rep whatever I gotta do for some advice.

Ok so on to my question. Has anyone used the nutrients bloombastic or Moab? I used Moab with snowstorm with amazing results last time but the hydro guy said bloombastic is the business.

I'm gonna try and be as detailed as possible on what I'm using at the moment

Hollands secret 3 part
Micro- 8ml per gallon
Grow- 3ml per gallon
Bloom-16 ml per gallon
Sm90- 2ml per gallon
Magical- 7ml per gallon
A molasses carb mixture the hydro guy makes at 1 gram per gallon

Ok so with that I've been building up my Moab and bloombastic I've been using 1/8 tsp per Fallon with the Moab and 1 ml per gallon of bloombastic. Today wk 5 starts I'm gonna bump up to 1/4 tsp perfallon of Moab and 2ml per gallon of blpombastic. The Moab amount will stay the same but by wk 8 I wanna be up to 4 ml per gallon of bloombastic. There has been no nuts burn whatsoever so it should be ok wow I'm rambling. Also anyone know how to upload pics to here from an iPhone vie been taking a pic every Sunday for all you bud porn freaks thanks guys haha I better grt some responses


Well-Known Member
lmao your not boring, just too specific, waiting for someone who uses exactly the same fert which btw i never heard of, but it sounds like too many additives. do you have a ppm meter??? with all this stuff you need to know ppm in solution. to post pics, go advanced>manage attachments>addfiles
Thanks I don't think you can on an iphone but no I don't have a ppm meter I used the exact same feed chart as last time just took out the snowstorm and added bloombastic would an 11 week strain already have an ass of trichs? Idk which seed I have lol I'm pretty sure it's an 8 wk strain we shall see tho gah she looks delicious and uncle bens topping technique holy shit best thing vie learned so far haha


Well-Known Member
yeah at 4 weeks it's normal, 8 week strains usually are 10weeks for real. check trichome development with a cheapo radioshack pocket scope or something
Yeah i got a scope it was like ten bucks eorks like a charm I should be in good shape either way tho shit looks amazing already I gotta figure out how to post those pics


Active Member
Yeah i got a scope it was like ten bucks eorks like a charm I should be in good shape either way tho shit looks amazing already I gotta figure out how to post those pics
upload your iphone pics to photobucket (theres an app for that) and then paste


Well-Known Member
hey man, they look fine, i looked at the 28 day pic it's still far far from over. strains grow differently. some bulk up real fast then slow down, others bulk up slowly but consistently. don't harvest early. i cut a small part of a leaf or bud with trichs, then check it. wait it out, trust me you'll get more weight better trichomes better smoke. congrats on the healthy beautiful ladies:)


Well-Known Member
Yeah broseph, don't be fooled; my shit's frosty as all hell @ wk 3, but it's a ten weeker. I swear by bloombastic, but i only use it after week four of flower and never more than 2ml per gal and I've had spectacular results with it.
Awesome thats works out I huts started using the bloombastic this week which is wk5 it's starting to look amazing just the two days of using bloombastic I can tell its pretty crazy moan and bloombastic is a sweet/deadly combo

The Ruined

Active Member
I LOVE bloombastic. I've used it my last two grows and the plants are so crystaly they look like hairs on a tarantula.

I use in flower

Gh flora nova bloom
Gh floralicious plus
And bloombastic.

Looking really good on the plant btw. I'd leave it 2-3 more weeks depending on how it looked after this week. That could change depending on the plants speed of maturity. Keep an eye on her.


Well-Known Member
just mix the micro with the water stir/shake well then mix the bloom. Thats all you need. Return all the other stuff if its unopened.

obv ph after mixing and keep an eye on your ppm so you know if she wants more or less.