Nutrient reservoir getting orange walls?


Active Member
I’m running floraflex bloom nutes along with cx horticulture Additives, ive noticed a orange/brown sludge developing on the walls of the Rez and on my pumps and tubes. I’ve completed cleaned everything about 6 days ago and it’s already back again. Any idea what is causing it and what it could be???


Grow So High

Well-Known Member
What kind of water are you using? Might be a calcium build up or something related to your water being harsh. If this is the case it’s not really harmful just annoying to clean.


Well-Known Member
additives try a circulating pump in rez is that powder on bottom of rez sort of looks like reaction from chems light not getting in rez can cause slime whats water temp


Active Member
the Rez constantly recirculates sorry I left so many things out, also has a lid on it so no light getting in and I’ve got no clue as to the temp but it’s not warm i can say that. Prolly around 60-70 degrees