Nutrient strength advice required


Active Member
Hi guys.

My plant is slightly over 1 week into flowering stage (12/12) and I require advice on how strong my nutrient should be. I am using a 2.0-6.0-3.5 Biobizz bloom nutrient and would like to know what strength reading I should be at with my Bluelab truncheon meter?

Initially I thought due to red stems that I wasn't feeding enough but have since then been advised that this is normal and have removed the fan leaves with red stems which is now allowing more light penetration to the buds.

Thanks in advance guys :-)


Well-Known Member
your plants are flowering so give it a full blast of it. the only time you would give it a little bit is when the plants are tiny and you dont want to over feed it.


Active Member
Yeah thanks mate but if I were to over do it wouldn't it cause burning of the plant?. Roughly what reading of PPM or CF am I looking at when preparing my solution?


Well-Known Member
800 is good for now, but bump it up a bit each week. Red stems are no problem...sometimes its from cool air, sometimes its genitics.

:joint: ~Boneman