nutrients for AUTOFLOWER (lowryder easy ryder #2 AK47)

can anyone who has successfully grow any type of autoflower please give me some insight on the nutes that they use. Obviously i am finding 100 different was and i know no one way is the right way, i just want to find one that works for me. Im confused because since they go through there phases so quick i dont know if i should feed them the same type the whole way or 1 month veg nutes and the other flowering. I have even seen some ppl saying they dont need nutes, but that dosent seem right.
Technaflora recipe for success. Can you use others? Hell yea! Could others be potentially better? Definitely! HOWEVER, it is an all in one package that outlines the feeding schedule while only costing about $30-40 and also lasts the entirety of a reasonable, personal grow.

EDIT: as far as schedule goes, go light, don't use nutrients until at least the 3rd week and if you are using an organic soil I would wait even longer. Also, try to only use around 1/3rd to 1/2 strength nutes at first, building up slowly and observing results.
Thanks I git me some fox farm oceans n I'm gonna order wat u said. The only problems is I have my seeds in paper towels n the show no signs of life.