I havent got a clue when it comes to nutrients. So my last couple of grows, I've asked my mother. I dont know anyone that spends more time in the garden then her lol. Here is the "rutine".
Cactus/seedling soil in a small pot with some perlite for the first cup.
Potting soil w/pre added compost and perlite for the next pot. Feeding some bloodmeal from time to time.
Transplanting into 10 litre bucket. Mixing cow compost into potting soil with perlite. After flip. Feeding bone meal, compost tea and backstrap melasse every 3-4 watering.
As I havent got a clue what im doing. Im careful and not use that much when i feed. Any tip to improve would be nice. Just as long as it pulls me in the direction of something organic

. Im going to get the book "teaming with microbes" and the other 2 in that series. I hear thats a good read.