Nutrients Help!

Hello! My outdoor plants are currently receiving GH bloom nutrients NPK of 4-8-7 during the entire vege season. Now as i enter bloom season should i keep the same GH bloom nutrients? should i add more nutrients? Can i change brands? Or should i just add PK enhancers? If ever what nutrients should i use? Also, have u guys heard of shooting powders? Would it be worth a try? Help!


Well-Known Member
Hello! My outdoor plants are currently receiving GH bloom nutrients NPK of 4-8-7 during the entire vege season. Now as i enter bloom season should i keep the same GH bloom nutrients? should i add more nutrients? Can i change brands? Or should i just add PK enhancers? If ever what nutrients should i use? Also, have u guys heard of shooting powders? Would it be worth a try? Help!
Floranova 4-8-7 is a great product. It has all macro and micro nutrients. Thats your base. So you can build off that. Keep an eye on your ppm. Thats what I'm using right now. I will add a late flower finisher last few weeks.
Whats your plant look like. Is it lush and green or yellowing.
my plants really look healthy thats why i decided to to keep using the BLOOM nutrients for vege. Its my first time growing and a friend of a friend told me to use BLOOM duting vege if i am outdoors!i should have done more research before listening to him!

They look pretty healthy. I use cal mag too!