nutrients questions.


What is the differance between suppliments and nutrients?

I am use Sweet raw in flowering but im wondering if i can use dyna-grow bloom also..its 3-12-6. I also have super natural budblaster and that one is 1-52-31

So my main question is can i use the dyna-grow solution with the sweet raw? And which one would be better the 3-12-6 or the 1-52-31

Thanks if anyone can anwser.


Active Member
dyna-grow bloom is a base and should be used during the entire flowering phase. look into their feeding schedules for application. as for the budblaster, that's a bloom booster for late flowering, kinda like the cha-ching i use from fox farm. use that according to the feed schedule listed on the bottle. be careful though, they can burn a plant if you give em too much too soon.


Well-Known Member
Marco nutrients like NPK are your main nutrients.
Micro nutrients, like iron or silica ect... Those would be supplement nutrients.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
thats too much P and K, man. IMHO those ratios are fucked and your plants are gonna yellow up superfast. If you wnana use a bloom booster like that, try running DynaGro "Grow" as your base and then add the booster.

Dynagro is the only base nutrient that you listed. You need micro nutrients. Not just NPK.


Well-Known Member
thats one hell of a flowering nutrient there! almost surprised theres any nitrogen at all. might as well not be.


Well-Known Member
none of those looks very good to me. The sweet raw is a flowering supplemet to enhance flavours. Not a general feed from what I can tell.
The budblaster is very strong. That is only used mid flowering to give a phosphorous and potassium boost when the plant needs it. At that strength I would not go over 0.1ml per liter (0.4ml per gallon) so even for 10 gallons 2 ml of the stuff would be a strong boost.

The dynagrow bloom is a flowering nute so in theory you should use that, supplement it with sweet raw and use the budblaster in moderation half way through flowering. It is hard enough dialling in the right nutrient amounts using a flowering nute by itself, add more brands and supplements to the mix and you are heading in very experimental territory only an experienced grower should experiment with. But I think we have all started that way :P

Anyway I said in theory because the NPK ratio of your dynagrow bloom sounds terrible to me. Thats the ratio dirt cheap nutes use and to use sweet raw to that is like adding some whipped cream to a dog terd. Well thts obviously exaggerated lol but you want to invest the money in your main nutrient, not the supplements. A plant with yellowing leaves displaying burns or deficiencies will make a crop bad whether you add sweet raw ontop or not.
You want a nutrient with a higher potassium content than phosphorous. Yours is 3-12-6 so far too much phosphorous imo.