Nutrients. Yummm


Hello all! Iv read so much over the past 5 days and frankly I'm having trouble absorbing it all! I plan on starting my set up in 7 days. Only thing I'm still baffled over, is proper nutrition. The right amount of N K and P... I (think I got that right) in order to grow a healthy plant with a high yield.

After searching on the forum I'm still unsure what products are best and safe to use.. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Maybe a forum link, website link, or just a basic nutrient 101 summery would greatly be appreciated...

Sorry if this has been a repeat topic but as I said iv tried searching and the results were flooded offtopic posts That provided little to none information.. Thanks in advance..

Double D


Active Member
I use the full line of fox farm nutes and so far they are working out great fo me. I am following the feed ing schedule provided by fox farm


Well-Known Member
fox farm reigns over all.

Grow Big
Big Bloom
Tiger Bloom

safe/easy to use. also i find that the solution's pH is already balanced so I don't really have to adjust it


fox farm reigns over all.

Grow Big
Big Bloom
Tiger Bloom

safe/easy to use. also i find that the solution's pH is already balanced so I don't really have to adjust it
Thanks for the suggestion. Iv herd most product recommendations usually kill your plants?? If that's not the case then this is what I'm looking for. I can follow instructions fairly well. Thanks again.


Advance Nutrients Bud Factor X!!!!
No denying that it is an incredible product, and that many dispenseries are enjoying the science behind the juice, but just what is the magic potion? AN is tight lipped regarding their secret ingredient, and for good reason. It seems aspirin is good for everything even our own Mary Jane!

An important aspirin ingredient--salicylic acid--is being studied as first aid for warding off plant diseases.
(increasing plant immune system--sound familiar?)

Tests using aspirin water on tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, basil and other plants have led to the understanding tha Aspirin is an activator of Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR), and plants under stress, naturally produce salicylic acid."

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is studying how SA prods plants into releasing their natural defenses.

Remeber how grandma put crushed aspirin in the vase with the fresh flowers?

It is now clear she was on to something.

AN site states:
"Your ticket to more essential oils and stronger, larger plants is for you to stimulate your plants’ inborn defense mechanisms using precision compounds that are now available for you in a proprietary easy to use liquid formulation. These compounds activate internal defense “systemic resistance” mechanisms in your plants, making them stronger and bigger so they thrive despite heat, disease, stress, intense light and pest attack. When you stimulate systemic resistance, your plants bulk up with as much as 50% more infrastructure, especially stems and stalks, prepping them for producing and handling larger flowers."

See some research for yourself: