
I have a question about newts what does the numbers mean on a bag of nutrients #-#-# and what is the best numbers for vegetation and flowering cycles?
N-P-K in veg you want a higher N, in flower p and k needs to or should be higher as you dont want to much n during flower.


Active Member
Norcal hit it on the money... your #-#-# are N-P-K (nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K)

And also correct in saying during flowering N needs to be high, this is what helps in growth, flowering needs less N and more P & K


Well-Known Member
With fertilizers a nute with higher first number will be for vegging example 6-1-1 now in the flowering stage a nute with 2-10-10 will be for flowering stage....numbers I posted are not exact but you get the Idea...first higher for vegging....last 2 higher for flower....



Active Member
i just buy 2 bottle of canna nutes 1 for veg and 1 for flower, they have the levels set so u dont av to wory and im'e sure there's dozens of others that do the same, bloody pricey though


Well-Known Member
Is miracle grow for shrubs and pines 28-10-10 good for growing plants? Its available at home depot and is cheap as hell.


Well-Known Member
Is miracle grow for shrubs and pines 28-10-10 good for growing plants? Its available at home depot and is cheap as hell.
That should be okay if it's your only option, just go easy, mg's stuff tends to be quite potent and can burn easily


Well-Known Member
so tru, so many time have those leaf tips turned yellow on me. What is a good brand to buy? sorry about the hijack of the thread but its all related


Well-Known Member
I'd go with anything organic if you can, Advanced Nutrients has a great selection, i just use really nice home-mixed organic soil and shultz 10-15-10, the chemical nutes aren't going to ruin your buds like everyone says just remember a nice flush and start with small doses, don't need your little girls od'ing now do we?


Well-Known Member
their web site is harder to navigate than space. :( food for plants in dirt should be a section and the names tell nothing about the product, will read more later


Well-Known Member
the info is stickied. NPK. Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium. and always in that order.
Veg...get jacks classic. any nursery or garden center. or home despot
Bloom. Only add a little more P and start feeding 30ml/gal sugar daddy or other molasses product throughtout flowering. add epsom salts to your watering at a rate of 1tsp/gal and that takes care of your cal/mag

....edit....and buy a ph meter if u dont already have one