Thats what the feds are looking for, people who have been given a legal right to possess and cultivate, who are illegally distributing. I think mmj growers should be happy that they can grow and smoke legally to help relieve illness. They shouldnt be selling it to non-medical users, if you need the money become a caregiver for someone who isnt able to grow their own. Its easier to find the legal mj cultivators, than the illegal ones. The feds already have legal caregivers and dispensaries addresses and numbers, so they can go follow you around easier than they can find, identify, and follow an illegal cultivator. If it doesnt stop, they have a better chance of winning the war. Every single time a legal user or cultivator abuses their privilege, and gets caught, it puts us 1 step behind the feds in this war. If the legal people keep it legal, we can make it really hard for them to win the war.