NY outdoor grow (help appreciated)


Well-Known Member
so kinda pissed......found some about 10 fresh leaves chewed off and up , and holes in my plants stem like decaying...but i know its bugs there all back..........and they broke / ate about 5 good alternating flowering nodes on my favorite cola too..... FUCKN SUCKS!!!!!!!! that must mean neem oil comes off after rain huh ?


Well-Known Member
well i thnk they'll be fine .... i hope lol i guess i just have to check up on them more... saw a plane today :shock:but theyve been going by the past month dont know if thats a gd thing .. prolly not but nothings happend so i thnik im good...still wondering about the neem oil :wall:? anyone know ? thanks and it also is budding :) cant wait to see them form its making me excited !!!!!!!:leaf::leaf::clap:not bad for a first outdoor grow:hump:let me know what you think ! :peace::blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
is the cola completely missing? if so it mite be a deer or rabbit, and idk for sure if it comes of in the rain, i would guess yes, i think u apply it fairly often too, like every other day, i could be wrong so u may want a second opinion. and i wldnt worry about the chopper, start wrrying when they circle back and are hovering over ur shit, planes are nothing to wrry about either, my grow is about 200-300yrds from our local airport, i have planes over my head non stop, what worries me is when ppl go skydiving up there, first time i saw it i got real paranoid, but ive gotten used to it and realized that it all probably blends in when ur up that high, i think it being near an airport will deter choppers too bc flying in that zone would clog up the airspace and be very dangerous


Well-Known Member
no just the alternating nodes that come from inbetween the stem and leaf meet its like holes , hollowed out and brown and some were broken off and some are still attached i hope it still grows and a bunch of leaves were chewed off or something ,i have seen deer around there tho... and yah i thought so there was a bunch of bugs again when i went up there so i guess ill have to keep an eye on them more if i can , and yah im just being cautious cuz its finally flowering and dont want all my hard work to go to waste lol and yah thats a gd spot to have em !


Well-Known Member
yah i did righ away i was pissed cause i had to walk all tha way back to get it tho cause i decided not to hide it somewhere close cause i didnt think id need it again, guess i was wrong ;-) and any suggetions on what a 10-10-10 soil fertilizer would do ? or some vigoro all purpose plant food ?


Well-Known Member
id say if u see bugs bring the spray out
yah i did righ away i was pissed cause i had to walk all tha way back to get it tho cause i decided not to hide it somewhere close cause i didnt think id need it again, guess i was wrong ;-) and any suggetions on what a 10-10-10 soil fertilizer would do ? or some vigoro all purpose plant food ?


Well-Known Member
see if this fits any of your symtems.

Beetle Borers

Prevent: Beetle borers are primarily found in outdoor gardens. Cleanliness and good habits will keep these pests out of greenhouses and indoor growrooms.
Identify: The beetle borer is the larvae of a large variety of beetles and a particularly nasty pest. These larvae leave entry holes at the base of stalks where they continue chewing through the stems of your plant. A brown trail of death will follow the path of a beetle borer, these pests cause severe enough damage to water transportation systems of plants everything around the trail dies. If the base of branches or heaven forbid the main stem of the plant are infected, death can quickly follow for everything outwards of the trail.

Note the entry hole on the left of the picture and subsequent trail to the location of the larvae

Repression: Keeping indoor grows clean is the only countermeasure.
Predators: The borer is a large enough tunneling insect that no effective predator has been identified. Predatory nematodes can help control grubs in the soil but this is a largely preventative measure and not a treatment.
Manual Removal: The best and virtually only way of controlling beetle borers. If damage is sited, follow the trail and cut the borer out of your plant. Oftentimes damage is already done when a beetle borer is located. If the branch or affected area does not bounce back quickly or is obviously done for, remove it with a clean cut from a knife or scissors.
Spray: The beetle borer lives inside the hardy stalks of your plant making sprays nearly useless. Bacillus papillae is a beetle specific fungal powder and can have limited success. If the beetle is in the main stem of your plant and you cannot get to it without endangering the life of your plant, injecting a product called rotenone directly into the stalk with a hypodermic syringe will kill the grub.


Well-Known Member
no i mostly see these little brownish white things that move fast and some grasshopers now and then and some flys, and these trianlgular green bugs and small spiders i kill them tho


Well-Known Member
ive seen some of the weirdest bugs while growing, earlier in the year id see this weird white fuzzy small bug always on the stems and it would leave this thin white film in my stems almost a weblike film, but to answer ur question i wouldnt go w/ that fert, it would help but it wouldnt be the most beneficial to ur plant now that its flowering, now your gonna want something w/ a little less nitrogen and a little more phosphorus and potassium, so less N and more PK


Well-Known Member
yah ive seen little bugs like that and a weird weblike film also and , i already threw out some of the 10-10-10 fertilizer before you responded :( im sure it'll be okay though ! :) lets just hope thers no bugs , broken nodes ,stems, etc. when i go to check on it today !;-):leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
picture 1 and 12 are old like maybe a week ago or less .............. 13 is how it looks now and the rest are some cola shots from today as well think its coming up onto week 2 of flower the 18th ? :leaf:


Well-Known Member
yea thats fine lookin nice, and yes u can consider the 18th the start of the second week but as of the 18th it will only be 1 week into flower, there was a but of a grey area determining when ur plant exactly started flowering but a few days off isnt gonna make a difference


Well-Known Member
did u read the directions for putting that plant food down bc from the pic it looks like u put way too much down, is it the UltraGreen brand, cuz i think i have the same stuff its 10-10-10, ur only supposed to have sumthing like a tablespoon around the base of ur plant so if u put mor than that i would go out there and scape up a good amount of it


Well-Known Member
Aright thanks and yah its is damn .. lol its raining bad right now tho ill have to go out later or tomorrow if it doesnt stop ,


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
yah im hoping for atleast 4 lol but anythign is better than nothing its my first outdoor and first female , and yah i got some 10-10-10 fertilizer i threw down about 2 , 3 days ago