NYC Sour Diesel?


Well-Known Member
are you fuckin kidding me. i know nothin about how easy or not it is to grow, but if you have your hands on the deez then do some serious research and make sure you do it up right.


Well-Known Member
no.....diesel will be to hard for you..start with some bag seed.....
y would a beginer want to start with a bag seed, not knowing what strain it is, how long it flowers, what it can handle (lst topping ect) and for all you know a bag seed could be a strain harder to grow than nycsd, ive seen alot of posts from you lately and it seem to me that you have no idea what you are tlaking about,

you should start out with something cheap and easy to grow with a short flowering time like bc sweet tooth or master kush

100% THC

Active Member
y would a beginer want to start with a bag seed, not knowing what strain it is, how long it flowers, what it can handle (lst topping ect) and for all you know a bag seed could be a strain harder to grow than nycsd, ive seen alot of posts from you lately and it seem to me that you have no idea what you are tlaking about,

you should start out with something cheap and easy to grow with a short flowering time like bc sweet tooth or master kush
that is what i was thinking. a good starters too...


Well-Known Member
And when your ready to grow look me up. This is a great strain, if you want lots of budding from NYC SD you better load it up on carbo's


New Member
why do i need to explain myself....the poster didn't say how much experience he had if i went with no experience an growing bag seed is the way to go when you have never cracked a seed...i would have come back an said this sooner but i was accused of not knowing what i was talking i just passed on...


Well-Known Member
Seeds come free with pot (some of it) when you buy it. That way, if you mess those seeds up when you grow, no cash spent for just seeds in the 1st place. I kept a stash of seeds from good stuff I've had, and started on that. The final product did not disappoint, we just don't know what it is.



Active Member
I think both ways of thinking are accurate - if you have extra cash, and don't mind possibly screwing up internationally purchased seeds, then by all means order some up. I would almost assume the seeds would be of better quality and genetics, possibly more disease resistant than a bagseed. However, a bagseed is free, if it dies it dies, and is a good practice run to perfect a perfect seed.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Actually Sour Disel is pretty easy to grow from clone anyways.Its a decent producer with a good aroma and taste and depedning its origin can be forced into a deep purple maroon.As far as bag seed thats good for playing with learning best germ techniques but as far as a full grow bag seed unless it was an outstanding bag with very few seeds (3 or 4 in an oz) its just a waste of time.Do it and do it right.Why risk yourself for 4 grams of swag????


Well-Known Member
seeds arnt expensive, if you cant spend 30 dollars on cheap seeds you shouldnt be growing, if you dont have 30 then im sure your planing to flower with one 20watt clf... think about it, you just spent 30 dollars on a bag of weed, 10 seeds can get you pounds of weed, its called an investment


New Member
purchesing seeds is risky business expecilly if your not smart enough to get them sent to a p.o. box...also if you grow swag from bagseed then thats all you'll grow from production seeds as well...i grow bag seed an it is just as flavorful an full of resin glands as if i spent money on production seeds...the only difference is i dont put some desiginer name behind it(nyc sour diesiel,godbud,lavender) i just call it great sensimilla


Well-Known Member
whats the best way to grow sourdeez in dirt or water and what watt of light i got the money to spend and i been doing a little research i just wanna grow a little bit of the deez and whats carbo's


Well-Known Member
There is a big difference between bag seed and purchased seeds: With bag seeds, you really don't know what your trying to grow. How tall or short, heavy or light feeder, grows bushy or thin, begin flowering early at 24 days or late at 60 days, flowering time 56 days or 85 days,etc., etc. At least with purchased seeds, you are buying something with a history to HELP you grow and increase your chance for success...... so screw the bag seed. There is nothing cheap about growing anymore- if you want it done right. Seed cost, lighting, electricity, nutrients, other supplies, reverse osmosis device, fan, odor control, soil (or whatever you use), etc.