i always get clones from a friend when they small say 4 inches and normally prepare the ground before hand wit some blood and bone and nitrofoska blue to get them started (not this one though its getting everything from the leaky compost bin)baduso: that name reminds me of basuso from the anime Berserk
hahaha but seriously, fucking amazing plant man. All you guys from down undah (Aussia, Kiwi) can grow some MASSIVE plants.
Any secrets to indoor startlings? Any special fert/nutes for outdoor?
I'm planning on going strictly Fox Farm everything, but would appreciate any extra knowledge. Great plants again!
im adding a specialised flowering fert at the moment to fatten the buds up thats called "wild african violet" which is for, well african wild violets haha
its a good mix N.P.K
i dont go overboard trying to feed it as my soil anyway is very organic and pretty rich in everything
you should see my vege garden ooh weee!!

im no expert but always satisfied