nz backyard grow!!!

I wish i had cool friends that threw away starving plants to put in my back yard. Just because it a sweet thing saving a bud worthy plants anytime, anywhere.
haha oh weell ill just give it a go anyway good experience and maybe when itsw bigger ill chuck it in my mates iindoor room for flowering!
the organic compost has been leaching into the soil for 4 years now so i figure its getting all it needs

i always get clones from a friend when they small say 4 inches and normally prepare the ground before hand wit some blood and bone and nitrofoska blue to get them started (not this one though its getting everything from the leaky compost bin)
im adding a specialised flowering fert at the moment to fatten the buds up thats called "wild african violet" which is for, well african wild violets haha
its a good mix N.P.K
i dont go overboard trying to feed it as my soil anyway is very organic and pretty rich in everything

more pics tomorrow.....:weed:
A lot of what I've heard, foliar feeding can cause problems, but spraying with seaweed & molasses every 7 to 10 days will delete any spidemite problems & it's great for the plant/leaves. I'm leary of spraying emulsion, though. First I spray with clean water, to rinse the dust off the plants, then I spray, careful to not spray on certain insects..., Praying Mantis & certain Spiders that guard my Ladies. I also keep a little water dish at the base for the Mantis.
more pics
just starting to flush this week
its coming out soon im sick of looking at:weed:


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