O M G HELP!!! guns and weed felony need help!


Active Member
ok long story so ill make it as short as i can, tonight i met a dealer to buy an eighth for personal smoke, cops roll up search us and we both happen to be clean but i admitted i was there to buy some weed after the dealer told them ( i think he was a snitch). anyways to sum it up they want me to snitch on other people (in my phone)

they searched my car, seen i have some gun parts(i own all my guns legally) and asked if i owned a weapon i said yes bc i didnt wanna lie and get in more shit, they then told me that if i owned a gun and used "drugs" it was a class 1 felony. now i undstand that having guns and drugs in the same place is a felony, but is it a felony to hve my guns at home in my safe all of which i own legally and me be out buying weed or even using weed (not around my guns). GUYS PLEASE REPLY WITH SOMETHING THEY TRYING TO TURN ME INTO A SNITCH

edit: i ment to say they took my phone and hooked it up to the drug inforcemnt cops pc (he was differant than the other cops) and prob bugged it but got all my contact nad txt msg and they know i got dealers and want them or they gonna rape me legally speaking

this is in northcarolina if it matters


Well-Known Member
pretty sure there isn't shit they can do about it. Never heard of a law that states you are subject to additional charges if you are caught out on the street buying weed and have guns at home. Yes if you had them both together there is shit they could probably hit you with. But in your case I can't imagine anything they could do. My advice is talk to a lawyer.


Yeah I been there, there tryin to intemidate you into snitching on yourself and on your people. Don't drop dime and just get a good lawyer if you own your guns legally you have nothing to worry about. You will probably get a mistameanor and do a little probation. Don't trip to hard just be smart.

Good luck dude, the APE


Well-Known Member
one thing you have to remember when dealing with cops is they are gonna lie to you and use scare tactics to get info from you. I'm sure you have heard the old tell me the truth and well go easy on you line....Yeah, my ass. Anything you tell them they are gonna use against you. So even if you are caught red handed your best bet is to keep your mouth shut and don't tell them shit. Let them figure out what they can for themselves.


Active Member
you have to have the guns and drugs in the same location. if your away from your guns when you have some pot your fine. the worst they can do is give you misdemeanor possession witch is a slap on the wrist. in your state its a $200 fine http://norml.org/index.cfm?wtm_view=&Group_ID=4555

do not snich!!!! they cant make you!!! if they havent charged you with anything dont even talk to them. tell them to arrest you and talk to your lawyer or let you be on your way.


Active Member
oh and next time dont tell the cops anything at all!! they eather have to charge you or let you go and if you dont say anything a lawyer will most likely be able to get you out of it


Active Member
you have to have the guns and drugs in the same location. if your away from your guns when you have some pot your fine. the worst they can do is give you misdemeanor possession witch is a slap on the wrist. in your state its a $200 fine http://norml.org/index.cfm?wtm_view=&Group_ID=4555

do not snich!!!! they cant make you!!! if they havent charged you with anything dont even talk to them. tell them to arrest you and talk to your lawyer or let you be on your way.
agreed? if it turns into a case get a lawyer and get opinions from him and options, dont speak to cops, they will try to incriminate you....let your lawyer talk only if it gets that bad....good luck bro


Well-Known Member
dont let them pressure you into snitchin, they will threaten you with everything they can to get you to talk. tell all your closest friends/family on your contact list to get a new number. but most importantly contact a good lawyer with experience in your situation. you should be all good with the guns though (not too sure about laws in your area though so dont take what i say to the bank or nothin) since they are legal and its not illegal to have gun parts so they'll just try to use that shit against you to get you to talk. you've already been smart though with tellin the truth, its never good to lie when you get caught red handed like that. good luck man, i wish all the best to you.


Active Member
thats the thing there was no bud there besides what he claimed was a flake in a crown royal bag, which he doesnt have anymore so how can he charge me if it came home with me? the only thing is the admission of guilt that i was there to buy a bag which i shoulda did the 5th but when they are threating felony charges it broke me. "they even said it, tell us the truth if u want this to run smooth". i could never snitch on my friends, there not crack dealers... good people. but they told me they will be in touch and if i dont follow throw they are gonna charge me. hounstly how is it legal for them to tell me i was commiting a felony, im gonna call a laywer tomorrow for some advise. if i catch any type of drug charge even petty i lose my job. even tho the only drugs he found was a flake and it came home like i said so really guys what can i do? snithcing isnt an option so how can i prepare for a legal battle with the crooked cops?
Yea he will but if u didn't get any citations/ tickets or get arrested and charged, Im pretty positive they can't charge you after it already happened. I think they let you off easy this time. You don't have to do shit for them.


Active Member
your home free bud. they didn't charge you on the spot because they had nothing on you. they are trying to get you to snitch by holding bullshit charges over your head that they know they cant get you on. just chill out and if they call back tell them that they can talk to your lawyer even if you don't have one. if they keep pushing the issue get there name and badge number and file a harassment complaint. it sounds dumb but thats what my lawyer told me to do. i was a part of a MC and our whole club filed complaints and now theres 3 officers that arnt allowed near us


Well-Known Member
ya i love how they try to pressure you with bullshit stuff like felonys and stuff, fuck them, tell them to give your lawyer a call ( Even if you dont have one, lol its better to fuck with them for a while anyway) I've been detained and questioned a couple times, lol hanging out with the wrong people, I always just heald my ground looked em in the eyes and smiled and kept my lips closed. I love when they get all mad and tell you your " Going" to get "charged" with blah blah blah, i always just said "go for it, ill take a day in court anyday then talk to you." lol they like that response, point is the cops are all full of shit, make them actually do there job dont tell them shit. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Why was your dealer clean? He didn't bring your 8th?
Never ever ever talk to the cops let alone admit anything. If they had evidence or anything they wouldn't ask you questions they would just charge you. That was extremely stupid of you. You should watch the video in the sticky called don't talk to the police. And then go beat the shit out of your dealer because he set you up. Shows up to drug deal with no weed then cops just happen to come search you? What else were you doing ? Cops can't just walk up and search you. I just can't get over the fact that you actually admitted to trying to buy pot. Don't let those retard cops scare you. This is america you have rights. People die all over the world for what you just flushed down the shitter
ok long story so ill make it as short as i can, tonight i met a dealer to buy an eighth for personal smoke, cops roll up search us and we both happen to be clean but i admitted i was there to buy some weed after the dealer told them ( i think he was a snitch). anyways to sum it up they want me to snitch on other people (in my phone)

they searched my car, seen i have some gun parts(i own all my guns legally) and asked if i owned a weapon i said yes bc i didnt wanna lie and get in more shit, they then told me that if i owned a gun and used "drugs" it was a class 1 felony. now i undstand that having guns and drugs in the same place is a felony, but is it a felony to hve my guns at home in my safe all of which i own legally and me be out buying weed or even using weed (not around my guns). GUYS PLEASE REPLY WITH SOMETHING THEY TRYING TO TURN ME INTO A SNITCH

edit: i ment to say they took my phone and hooked it up to the drug inforcemnt cops pc (he was differant than the other cops) and prob bugged it but got all my contact nad txt msg and they know i got dealers and want them or they gonna rape me legally speaking

this is in northcarolina if it matters
If they had that much of a case against you they would have arrested you.

Do not say anything to the police if they ask you questions, invoke your rights to shut the fuck up

First thing to do if they arrest you is tell them you want to contact an Attorney or have one appointed to you..

I would contact an attorney right now even without the arrest and have everyone who is listed in your phone call the attorney you contacted and have them file a class action lawsuit against the police for downloading your phone information into their computer without a warrent to do so.

They violated the privacy rights of those in your phone list without obtaining a search warrent.

Had they tried to obtain a warrent they would have to tell a Judge they would be looking for a specific phone number stored in the phone and any other numbers seen would have to be ignored and could not be used in a legal court or arrest warrent.

Anyone right now thats was on the phone list is now being looked at by the police. Fuck the public pretender.... Get a real lawyer


Well-Known Member
lol your making it seem like its a way bigger thing then it is.Your fine and wont get charged.Just never go in and talk to them.