O/T: Helicopters, infra-red radars, and lamps


Active Member
"[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]...But the police have a formidable armoury. Their helicopters have infra-red cameras which can pick out the heat of the lamps - notice that snow never settles on a dope grower's roof - while nosy neighbours will report funny smells. Grow shops are at risk of surveillance and having their records seized. And Boots' photo labs, for example, will report photos depicting any suspected illegal activity."
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]January 1998[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

I'm getting paranoid. Are we really living under such anti-maryj regimes?:confused:


Well-Known Member
snows on my roof.

and whoever you're quoting from is full of shit. SOME of these things are being used...but usually only once they already suspect a crime is in progress.


Uses the Rollitup profile
I'd say from her suspect spelling that she is in Great Britain. In the States there are laws against using them but I'm sure that doesn't stop them.

And please Marijoe, change that avatar, it makes me sick.


Well-Known Member
could be. MariJoe is awfully southern though. and the spelling is from a quotation.

anyhow, I was in a grumpy mood and I'm getting REALLY tired of the questions about illegal search techniques. I mean, they could also bash down the walls of the house with a hammer made of bologna but it doesn't do any good to worry about some of this stuff.


Uses the Rollitup profile
Well, that quote must be British then, with all of those extra u's in there. :lol:

And that's exactly the problem. There are different laws and methods in each country. As if the laws made a difference.

(thanks, marijoe!) :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
...could be a canadian article also.....the use alot of U's....I lived there for a bit. Good Times...Toronto has amazing herb.


Well-Known Member
i think it is pommie,{u.k) as i am in oz but i know boots is a pommy chemist ,as my sister is over there and works for them,if you grow you take the risk,no point freaking out about it,if you get done,such is life as ned kelly said(bushranger)or robber if you like i reckon they can make themselves ill by constant worry,if you do ,i dont see the point,as most folk get fucked over by loose lips either from their own or someone they have told tell no fucker,and it is unlikely the filth will bust you unless you have those huge grow ops i have seen in canada,that one in the cave really blew me out.
enjoy growing it is good to see your plants grow,and be a little bit paranoid if you must,but if it worrys you that much,go bush,or forest or whatever you call it where you come from,you really can make yourselve ill by constant worry over what should be a pleasant experiance,i am a single dad so getting busted would not be great for me either,but i am fucked if i am going to buy what i can grow for free,or for the cost of power etc.
so many things use a lot of electricity these days,live a normal life keep your place tidy tell no one and you should be peachy,dont know much about infra red stuff,as i assume the aussie filth have it also,but fuck it,grow it or pay a lot of dollars to buy it,i know which i prefer,each to there own though.


Well-Known Member
The price of pot is not the reason to grow, at least for personal use. I would have to smoke a shit load over the next year to cover my costs of the last 2 months.

For me it is the joy of growing my own, and then enjoy the fruits...


Well-Known Member
ngtybear. I agree...in other words..FUCK YA!!! i love growing just to see my babies grow. but i would like the harvest to cover the cost of what I would have smoked LOL!!!!


Well-Known Member
Exactly... I wake up in the morning, put my jeans on and go down and take care of the girls... then I go up and change into my suit and off to the office I go.

We call come from different back grounds, different education, different perspectives, but we all enjoy watching them grow. For me it is very real and cool connection with something I enjoy very much.