.o0 BCNL/CFL tent AutoFlower-Rapid Afghan,White Express- SOIL 0o.


Well-Known Member


Good evening Stoners, Trolls, Boys and Girls. Have some bud porn, although NOONE is even reading this bs. Enjoy!

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So I'm not as anxious to cut down these last three ladies as the two previous. As advertised, these Rapid Afghan get HEAVY in the last 10-20 days. Absurd amounts of kief fall through my space case. They are VERY sticky. When i pull my fingers away from pinching a bud, the resin streams off my fingers like snot! Although i really really like the bubblegum pheno (other Rapid Afghan), I'm sure i will enjoy this hashy lemon pheno all the same. The two White Express ladies seem to be of the same phenotype, and they smell amazing. I cracked three more White Express beans, and three Ultra Violet. I will DEFINITELY be buying more Rapid Afghan beans. The gravity kief/hash from this bubblegum RA pheno tastes unreal!! VERY fruity. This alone merits the purchase of more RA beans. An instant favorite!

I will provide some harvest pics for these last three as soon as i chop'em down. Standby for a smoke report!

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This is the dried goods from my one RA pheno. Those stems are just starting to snap. My vape wand makes this bubblegum, fruity kief taste even better!

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The next round of ladies for my taste buds! In less than 65 days, I i will be smashing these ladies on my brain!

I hope some of you out there are enjoying my bud porn. It tastes great! Until i return, stay crunchy! Crunch* Crunch*



Well-Known Member
Thanks Man! I needed that. Hahaha. Not many people have commented, and you are the first around harvest. Stay Crunchy! Crunch*


Active Member
Very very nice.. Ima kinda jealous!! But seriously dude. Looks like great stuff! Looken forward to reading a smoke report!!!


Well-Known Member
Wow. I'm Flattered! Thanks man. I have inadvertently performed experiments last round that are being applied right now. Check out my newest grow. Purple Cheese, Trans Siberian, Blue Mammoth and WW by Dinafem. I put out a smoke report somewhere. Standby on that one. Stay Crunchy! Crunch* Crunch*

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Well-Known Member
Thanks 16. After the first month, i need to grab my bcnl producer out of storage. These are the ladies at 4 or 5 days. small but getting there. Stay Crunchy! Crunch*

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Well-Known Member
Well, same ole shit. Waiting for the boring seedling/veg stage to pass. I think the anticipation of being perpetual has me biting nails more than anything. Gonna hit up some diesil, afghoo and some White Express hash out the bubbler. Here's an update anyways. Stay Crunchy out there! Crunch* Crunch*

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73.4 degrees at 50% humidity. My water is at 6.5 with a little CalMag. I water when the first few inches of soil dry out.the girls are standing at an angle, thus i know they are happy.
In the process of ordering White Express, Low Diesel and Quick Fruit from AC Genetics. They are SOO legit! Cheers!


Well-Known Member
Another day, another bowl of hash. It's something else watching them grow each day. Enjoying a lazy Sunday. I'm gonna go shovel piles of meat into my gut. Stay Crunchy! Crunch*

One of these ladies has a deficiency. Can you guess which one? Sorry for the quality.
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Well-Known Member
Morning. Enjoy your Monday, fuckface! Cheers! Stay Crunchy! Crunch* Crunch*

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Changed lighting. Need to pull out the other camera and get batteries so i can produce better pictures. Enjoy.


Well-Known Member
Having space issues. The pics say it all. About to pull the bcnl producer out of storage this weekend. Finally. Updates to follow. Enjoy and stay crunchy. Crunch*

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Well-Known Member
"..Just give me some wood and I'll build you a cabinet..."

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Stay tuned. Stay crunchy! Crunch* Crunch*


Well-Known Member

The ladies are happy and bathing in lots of glorious lumens. Although the manufacturer claims these boxes run at about 5-7 degrees above room temp, mine is more like 3-4. Feel free to post some of your own auto pics.

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I back it off the wall about 14 inches for better airflow.

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People laugh at these T5s, but they blind you and actually put out a good amount of light.

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I have had this small fan, and as advertised, it moves lots of air. Good buy. 20 bones.

I hope you guys enjoy the grow. It is getting more interesting to look at, but we will have to wait for more exciting visuals in the near future. Stay crunchy! Crunch*


Well-Known Member
Good day fellow Concentrate Head's. Going to spend the day getting perpetual. The wheels are in motion. If you are reading this, stop being a pussy, and post a pic. Stay crunchy! Crunch*

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These are 5 of the seven that were transplanted, and then stuffed into the box. Standby for an update.

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Somewhere in this sea of goodies is the readout for RHO and temps. Can you find it? Crunch*


Well-Known Member
Things are getting bigger and better! it may not look like much now, but these bitches will be looking delicious soon enough.

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Pics form last night. Its a jumbled mess in there.

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Pics from watering this morning. The front ones get watered tomorrow. Happy.

Enjoy the pics. Stay Crunchy! Crunch* Crunch*


Well-Known Member
nice veg cab man :) is the trans siberian in there? My ultra lemon hazes are starting to smell now, they are about 25 days old. No pistils yet but smelling funky. Ill be watching this, i hope all goes well man :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Thanks Lowblower. It is a flowering cab as well. Yes. I have two or three TS in this grow. I will locate them sometime today and we can compare our specimens. Post a pic of your TS in my thread. Feel free to post pics if you're reading this. Stay Crunchy! Crunch*


Well-Known Member

Looking great! Smelly! Just cleaned the tub and ordering new genetics. Running late on perpituity, but I'll have an update with all the details.

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Blue Mammoth, Trans Siberian, Purple Cheese and White Widow. They love that cab! I'm enjoying trying out the new genetics. Post your own!

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In the corner is the Trans Siberian, as requested LowBlower. Running my pH a little higher. 6.7. No problems thus far. Enjoy, and feel free to ask questions, make comments or post your own pics. Stay Crunchy! Crunch*