Well-Known Member
Yeah. And I use those 5 gallon water bottles from wal mart when I flush so 48hrs is a must to get the stink out.
good morning to you GG! yeah, the only weird thing is ive been using my tap water the entire grow, but if your saying specifically for flush, distilled is the best, than yeah, it makes sense. for me personally, i live by the mountains, my water is the shit. not like colorado springs or anything, (Shrubs!), but yeah, pretty good. but if the chlorine jacks up my flush, that wont be a good thing. i need to make a decision soon, flush starts when they get thirsty next!
I just stick them in my shower and run lukewarm water through them. I never checked my PH, but I am guessing it's fine. Letting the water sit for 24 hours in bottles supposedly helps a lot. I would suggest not to fill the bottles up all the way. That way you would only have a section of water the width of the bottle neck exposed to air. You want as much water surface area to touch the air as possible to evaporate the chlorine. Also let the water sit under your lights if possible the release of chlorine is accellerated by air as well as light.
That's real nice that you have the option to use the AC in the summer. This is the first time I grew in a basement, so we'll see if it gets too hot in my room. Great job so far, shame about the clones. Did you keep any for breeding? Sounds like you have some good quality strains there.
great to have you here reel flies! thanks for stopping by! its funny how there are people like you, and me, who have run tap in flush, with no ill effects, the real test would be for me to do tap this run, and let it sit next run. im all about the comparisons, it's all a part of dialing it in, im a perfectionist, but not OCD!
i run the a/c at all times. i have an insulated plywood 4x4x6 plywood box. the 8000 btu window air unit keeps the room at 74*, but next run i bought a 6" inline, (right now i have a 4" inline exhaust/air cooling for light.), this should keep the a/c from being turned on as much. so far, its an extra $50 a month, not too bad considering what it brings in.
if you find a heat issue, i would suggest an insulated room in your basement, with a strong exhaust.
i chopped the eight male clones, an then cried for a week! JK, no, i jest! at the time i was laid off for two months, i didnt know what was going to happen, life sucked. a week later an angel came out of the sky, and those new eight oaksterdam clones! look at how they turned out, no pest, pm, hermie, or male, just dank! i also got my job back in the meantime. i have a family, i own a house, and i have a lot to be thankful for.