Oaksterdam t-5 veg 600w hps flower


Well-Known Member
yeah, they are all infront of the side lighting. it just so happens that its also the best configuration for this specific application. three big plants to the left, small plants in front of side lighting on the right. we'll see how it turns out!


Well-Known Member
Wonderful harvest bro. Been MIA here, very busy lately. Terrific work brother, I bet you are enjoying the harvest more and more by the day. LOL I usually cannot help it and end up smoking my harvest before it reaches the 2 month cure mark.


Well-Known Member
btw the lady says ur ogkush is the best shes had so far haha. doesnt say much for my outdoor shit but we will see watsup with my indoor very soon 8)


Well-Known Member
Wonderful harvest bro. Been MIA here, very busy lately. Terrific work brother, I bet you are enjoying the harvest more and more by the day. LOL I usually cannot help it and end up smoking my harvest before it reaches the 2 month cure mark.
thank you my brother, i appreciate it. 2 month cure, im having trouble making it to the one month cure! HA!

btw the lady says ur ogkush is the best shes had so far haha. doesnt say much for my outdoor shit but we will see watsup with my indoor very soon 8)
dude, that compliment melts my heart. when people talk about my plants, its like talking about my kid. the ogkgc is my favorite too! wait till you try my WWNL, its ready!

BTW a patient of mine really loves your outdoor. it helps with sleeping, and extreme pain due to 20 back surgeries! so its all good, different strokes, for different folks!


Well-Known Member
thank you my brother, i appreciate it. 2 month cure, im having trouble making it to the one month cure! HA!

dude, that compliment melts my heart. when people talk about my plants, its like talking about my kid. the ogkgc is my favorite too! wait till you try my WWNL, its ready!

BTW a patient of mine really loves your outdoor. it helps with sleeping, and extreme pain due to 20 back surgeries! so its all good, different strokes, for different folks!
haha glad the ww helped. but ya she digs the shit. im down to try that cross for sure let me know when ure free.


Well-Known Member
pic 1- three short vegged experiments day 41 in the new bloom closet!

pic 2-3- hindu skunk in the original bloom room, she is looking the best. like 10 of the fattest, even sized colas. im so proud of this strain. my personal favorite, high yielder and skunky smelling, and great skunk taste! im hoping to pull 3 1/2 oz of this girl this round!

pic 4- ogkgc day 43 in the bloom room. looking crazy like always. she gets fat later in bloom. but when she does its very quick, as you can imagine. still, a 8 weeker, and high yielder, so im happy with her. this is the best all around, and best looking nug!

pic 5- quirkel day 43 bloom. smells great, strong narcotic plant, but not a high enough yield, or not as worth it. im only gonna run one plant per bloom, instead of 3. so we'll see. im gonna bloom this one longer this time to see if her yield is affected!



Well-Known Member
sad to hear the querkle isnt a big yielder i was checkin into that as a possibilty. prob scratch it off then. ur hindu last round was bomb def ready for another round


Well-Known Member
thanks man, if you dont mind a 10 wk bloom, the querkel can for sure produce 2oz+ per plant. im just wanting to run 8 weekers. like i said, im gonna keep at least one querkel clone around to see what 10 weeks does to her!

yeah, in two short weeks the plants will get the chop. im gonna make the harvest last two weeks. like one week chop half that are ready. throw whats left in the closet to finish out. so that way next time the bloom rooms will be offset 1-2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Mmm that hindu skunk is looking fat drella! :weed:
I had one hindu skunk clone outdoor last year but the spot was compromised in aug so never had a chance to finish.
definitely want to run some indoor after seeing yours stackin up so nicely :-)


Well-Known Member
yeah, im trying to pull in the 3 1/2 or more yield on one plant. last round i got 1oz 22g. but i did get 3oz off one plant, the WWNL, which was vegged for two months. so with things looking even fatter this round, im hoping for the big one. thanks bro.


Well-Known Member
yeah, im trying to pull in the 3 1/2 or more yield on one plant. last round i got 1oz 22g. but i did get 3oz off one plant, the WWNL, which was vegged for two months. so with things looking even fatter this round, im hoping for the big one. thanks bro.
Hey Drella if anyone can you can, your girls are looking great and i can see that goal being met..Peace


Well-Known Member
Hey Drella if anyone can you can, your girls are looking great and i can see that goal being met..Peace
thanks sb, im really hoping this works out!best of luck to you too, why is it that our second round looks even better than our first round! HA! My mom always said to hang out with people like me, or better than me. looks like im making my mom proud! you guys rock!


Active Member
drella, love it!!! bonnie and I were talking about staggering the harvest also.... colas one week, smaller buds the second. i'm ready to see :) +1


Well-Known Member
some pics from the bloom room. gonna flush them tomorrow. they'll get the chop on friday, or whenever they dry up. i feel pretty good about things. all of my buddies around me are dealing with hermie and heat issues, so i got no complaints. hope everythings going great out there for ya guys!

pic one- experiment plant with the one huge nug, shes a scary bitch!

pic 2-3 the hindu this round is looking amazing, im hoping they'll yield close to 3oz a plant, here's hoping!

pic 4- top view of bloom closet

pic 5- front view of closet!

i will chop all of the hindu skunks, ogkgc. but the querkels, and the small pot experiments im gonna leave another one-two weeks, to get more yield. next round im only gonna run one plant of each of my 10 week girls- WWNL and QUerkel, depending on how much they yield, we'll see. my 8 week plants are champions, and everyones favorite smoke!


Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Drell, your plants are lookin great! So glad to see the top quality
comin from your room..


By the way my querkle clone turned out to be a male, very disappointed
with the dude who gave it to me. So ya, won't be able to compare growth.


Well-Known Member
Drell, your plants are lookin great! So glad to see the top quality
comin from your room..


By the way my querkle clone turned out to be a male, very disappointed
with the dude who gave it to me. So ya, won't be able to compare growth.
fuck bro, shitty news. i had similar luck my first round. that sucks. i wish you lived close, id give you some of mine!

thanks for the compliments, those pics were from the new bloom room, if i get 8oz my first time ill be happy. but im hoping for 3oz plants! i feel like im getting my trimming and lollypopping down, next grow all the nugs will be on the top, no fluffy stuff on the bottom at all i promise!