Oasis genetics UK cheese auto hermie?


Active Member
Lol like a hawk bro my neck and eyes hurt LMAO that's first time seen that so glad I found hopefully in time rest seem good so far was wondering if could have been pollinated from last grow I did have stressed plant foxtail I thought cleaned really well but didn't change ventilation tubes could that be it or is it strain which is more likely I mean?


Well-Known Member
Lol like a hawk bro my neck and eyes hurt LMAO that's first time seen that so glad I found hopefully in time rest seem good so far was wondering if could have been pollinated from last grow I did have stressed plant foxtail I thought cleaned really well but didn't change ventilation tubes could that be it or is it strain which is more likely I mean?
Could be stress, left from last grow or, wait for it....... just plain ol' bad genetics.


Active Member
Lol that's what I get for being cheap lol I went with dinafem for second round heard few of you guys suggest their autos oasis has 2 4 1 deal so I took a shot lol


Well-Known Member
Lol that's what I get for being cheap lol I went with dinafem for second round heard few of you guys suggest their autos oasis has 2 4 1 deal so I took a shot lol
Is what it is. Nobody knows the right choice at the beginning. Myself i just cashed in on autos this year cause i seen mad rave about Mephisto. Very happy $650 later on 4 purchases since March and they have 10 new strains in a week that are sort of limited. If people like them they will advance them from F1(basically a trial strain) to F4s and sell them as limiteds so ill be buying some of those too XD i just had seen the name while growing my photos i knew it was gonna be a big hit and not a miss. As for Dinafem they have been at it longer than Mephisto and you can not go wrong with them either.


Active Member
Yeah Ill look up mephisto on true north I live Canada and they opened a store close by on a native reserve and I save tax and the shipping there pretty awesome time for me to start growing thanks again I've heard f1 f4 and stuff from breeder sites never understood them kinda puts it in perspective. ill be watching your grows thanks for info I love 2010 kushes I'm hunting for it. that shit so loud you could smell mile away skunky


Well-Known Member
Yeah Ill look up mephisto on true north I live Canada and they opened a store close by on a native reserve and I save tax and the shipping there pretty awesome time for me to start growing thanks again I've heard f1 f4 and stuff from breeder sites never understood them kinda puts it in perspective. ill be watching your grows thanks for info I love 2010 kushes I'm hunting for it. that shit so loud you could smell mile away skunky
Basically when you sex a M/F their baby is F1. When you cross 2 F1 their baby become F2 and so on. Thats how they stabilize a strain to have the traits they want and you get less plants of the same strain that grow different, smell different, take longer to finnish and so on. The further they are in terms of F and the number the more stable they are.


Active Member
Oh cool makes sense to me now there so much to learn, sometimes easier to read a word and passed it then to understand it lol while ur schooling me one more question what is a "pheno"


Well-Known Member
Oh cool makes sense to me now there so much to learn, sometimes easier to read a word and passed it then to understand it lol while ur schooling me one more question what is a "pheno"
Different type. For example pheno 1 can have tall growth and pheno can be smaller. Pheno 3 can be tall but different color than pheno 1 and so on. Phenos just show different traits. Thats why F# is important because the further along it is it isolates the best phenos of the strains. Ideally you want the best growing, smelling, yeilding, pest resistant all in 1. Thats what isolating the best traits end up as by keep breeding F 1-2 and 3 and so on is bringing each trait together as 1.


Active Member
Awesome thanks man u da best wow man this plant just blows me away so is it possible for an unstable strain to give 2 plants look completely different?or just grow and yeild different


Well-Known Member
Awesome thanks man u da best wow man this plant just blows me away so is it possible for an unstable strain to give 2 plants look completely different?or just grow and yeild different
Yes. Thats the point of (F) further breeding the plant to the exact types of plant to be the normal when groing it. What you got is probably an F1 strain and so its not set in its genes. Probably a cheap company out for monies and didn't breed through generations for a stable plant. Took a photo and an auto crossed it one time or might need to be 2 times for the auto gene to be there but stopped there. Example Mephisto has most strains at F4 and their best or older ones at F6 meaning youre almost always getting the same results of the strain.


Active Member
Oh explains what happened on my first grow thanks brother definitely appreciate it made so much click for me well after this batch unless it turns out great I guess they all seem OK I've finally managed to keep my tips completely green lol so all seems well I topped 2 which have actually kept up really well and leaf tucking every few hours when I smoke they all started preflower like 27 days from sprout only 15 inches tall about 15 wide any comments in that size is that somewhat norm for fast auto 8 weeks



Active Member
Strain said 3 ft so I thought maybe I fucked them up cuz they already flowering but they growing bigger nightly