Obama 4 prez..


Active Member
how do you feel about him possibly becoming the next POTUS

is big brother evil enough to turn martyrdom into a some-what 911 style public void/need for national security?

which would surely create a world where the government has a bigger play in our everyday life in every aspect

what flowered all these thoughts happened to be an innocent campaign poster posted which read HOPE - obama (similar to this )


Well-Known Member
i dont know....but i know that one dude myrevolution4 is bound to be in here talking that tired shit!!!

take your banned ass elsewhere!


Well-Known Member
how do you feel about him possibly becoming the next POTUS

is big brother evil enough to turn martyrdom into a some-what 911 style public void/need for national security?

which would surely create a world where the government has a bigger play in our everyday life in every aspect

what flowered all these thoughts happened to be an innocent campaign poster posted which read HOPE - obama (similar to this )
yes i see this happening with hillary, obama, or mccain.
they are all on the same team, you know there in the back all playing slap ass together, fuck them they have soo many people sold too its sick
i saw a comercial the other day for the terrorist surveillance act! haha
not to mention real id is supposed to pass this year may!
who knows maybe somthing will happen bush will call martial law, theyll take our weapons, and bush will rule for another 10 years,
there already training mexican, and canadians in our bases and training national guard, and other ,military with local police forces for martial law
local police have weapons like the concentrated sound beam that could even cause you to go deaf


New Member
"Hope," "Action" and "Change." All meaningless slogans designed to influence those who have fallen victim to our government monopolized school systems and the lock-step media whores who shape public opinion. Very reminiscent of the old Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.



New Member
"Hope," "Action" and "Change." All meaningless slogans designed to influence those who have fallen victim to our government monopolized school systems and the lock-step media whores who shape public opinion. Very reminiscent of the old Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.

A true fascist rings in. Hope, action, and change are exactly what are needed in this, the greatest country on earth, at least it still has the potential to be. I doubt if Obama will get all his agenda passed, but what ever he does get past the plutocrats will be great. Removing the chokehold the corporations now have on the government would be a wonderful thing. The most critical change will be releasing the government from the chokehold the lobbiests have on them. Lobbiests should be charged with a felony for bribery of government employees, and congressmen that take re-election money should be thrown out of office. We the people would be much better off publicly funding re-elections or elections period, setting a cap on the amount spent and punishing outside influences and any other entity that tries to influence the outcome, (swift boat PAC.) etc.


Well-Known Member
if you see medicineman your bound to see vi redd. lol these guys go at it, in the politics forum. i love it. they have different opinions on EVERYTHING. thanks for the good reading and views of both sides. smoke on


New Member
if you see medicineman your bound to see vi redd. lol these guys go at it, in the politics forum. i love it. they have different opinions on EVERYTHING. thanks for the good reading and views of both sides. smoke on
Thank you! :)

While Med and I disagree on 99% of the topics debated here in the forum, there is one basic difference between the two of us. Med is demented and I'm sane. :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Thank you! :)

While Med and I disagree on 99% of the topics debated here in the forum, there is one basic difference between the two of us. Med is demented and I'm sane. :mrgreen:

it is the considered opinion of all of us here under the ice that both of you are stark raving mad.

welcome to the club.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Thank you! :)

While Med and I disagree on 99% of the topics debated here in the forum, there is one basic difference between the two of us. Med is demented and I'm sane. :mrgreen:

These two are still fighting the baby boomer "culture war" , it really is childish, and debates go nowhere, I wonder how many times a day they call each other nazis or commies, Med says he is just defending himself, he be may right but i think med makes himself look foolish when stooping to their level