Obama Administration to roll back Regulations in HC industry


Well-Known Member
Remember when Obama announced that he was ordering a review of all federal regulation, and that he was willing to eliminate unneeded regulation? Well, I just assumed it was a political announcement and that no action would be taken - but it seems I was wrong.

From the NYTimes:
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration moved Tuesday to roll back numerous rules that apply to hospitals and other health care providers after concluding that the standards were obsolete or overly burdensome to the industry.

Kathleen Sebelius, the secretary of health and human services, said the proposed changes, which would apply to more than 6,000 hospitals, would save providers nearly $1.1 billion a year without creating any “consequential risks for patients.”
That damn socialist. :roll:
That's good considering he probably added 10,000 pages of healthcare laws and spent how many trillions of dollars with Obamacare.


New Member
sounds good the way you word it, I haven't read it, the healthcare industry needs major reforms, but it is obama so I have a hard time believing its not a political stunt...also what Perforator said.
The Hill: CMS To Scrap Healthcare Regulations, Says Hospitals Will Save $1B
Rep. Joe Pitts (R-Pa.), chairman of the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on Health, said the changes don’t go far enough. “We appreciate their actions in this area and attempts to reduce the regulatory burden,” Pitts said in a news release, “however, the thousands of pages of regulations that have come out with the healthcare law, and tens of thousands more on the way, undermine the administration’s efforts to reduce burdensome regulations"

It's politics. Come on, Obama is in campaign mode now. Everything he does now to November of next year is for one purpose, to be re-elected!


New Member
yep, he said the other day we need to be marching on wallstreet....trying to co-op occupy..the nerve


Active Member
How much do you wish to bet that even if they save all this money your health care/insurance costs still go up up and away?

You know hospital boards and insurance CEO's are happy...

"hurray !! more $$ for me" is what they are thinking.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Willyßagseed;6490924 said:
How much do you wish to bet that even if they save all this money your health care/insurance costs still go up up and away?

You know hospital boards and insurance CEO's are happy...

"hurray !! more $$ for me" is what they are thinking.
Exactly. Obama's relationship with the health care racket is my least favorite part about him.

He's cemented in the fact that we will pay double what the rest of the world pays for health care.