Obama announces new education program focused on African Americans...executive order


Well-Known Member
Douchebag? You're a fucking pussy, I guess daddy let the alpha-male gene roll down your momma's ass crack. A fucking pedophile trolling me for grammar mistakes, talk about renting head space.
go take a nap, kiddo. you're in a foul mood.

maybe go ask gayroscope for some photos of gay sailors to jack off to, he has let on that he has a stash that puts all others to shame.


Well-Known Member
i hate to say it-

but betty's right. black folk obviously need much more attention in the education sector.



Well-Known Member
no obvious racial superiority implied there.

is it just cool to be racist nowadays? did i miss a memo?


Active Member
I like how in the article it says that the drop out rate for AA's is 5.2%.. Here its almost 50% and in places like detroit even higher.. I just love liberal news media