Obama Deception


Well-Known Member
i'm white.
and i just started the NNNNBPP (new new new new black panther party)
only member so far.
our plan is to intimidate fat people away from the donut case at as many grocery stores as we can occupy (one at a time for now, i'm the only member).

Big P

Well-Known Member
Oh cool nice to meet ya

Im from the N.DOUBLEGAY.C.P. :D We'll suck your dick then sue you for discrimination


New Member
did you see how obama already has a hit list ? and how his " preditor drones " have lock on all of the people on his hit list ! thats scary who the hell do you think you are obama ? any body have a S.A.M. for sale ? i would feel alot safer having a Serfice , to air , missle ? i will also need Data link up to russian satalites to track and conferm drones under 500 feet.