Obama did coke!


Well-Known Member
LOL, thanks for proving to me you're a dumbass. I completely made this up to prove you wacked out conservatives will cling to anything negative said about Obama. You don't even need a source to prove it, if it's spelled right it's legit. Thanks for liking a bold face lie jackass. I should print screen it just in case you try to backtrack like you silly conservatives like to do.
That IS strange, Newatit just posted that he doesn't believe what you posted, but you think he did. I can ROFL all day thinking about this, Thanks for the mood lifter.


Well-Known Member
Now you are telling everybody that you are a lying asshole. Are maybe to stupid to know the truth.
Cut him some slack...he's an admitted 16 year old from a southern hick town.

Wait...he claims he was just being a lying asshole on that too.


Well-Known Member
Kind of ironic that you make up lies to try to trap people. Then when called out on it, you post this about others. LOL!

Keep trying junior...literally, at 16 you should be a junior in H.S.

I get it now, that is a picture of your ride to school...sweet rims, yo.


Well-Known Member
Kind of ironic that you make up lies to try to trap people. Then when called out on it, you post this about others. LOL!

Keep trying junior...literally, at 16 you should be a junior in H.S.

I get it now, that is a picture of your ride to school...sweet rims, yo.
I'm 16 just like Obama does lines of coke. Keep riding that all you want. It does nothing but prove my point even more. You silly conservatives will grasp onto anything negative even if it's a bold face lie.


Well-Known Member
I'm 16 just like Obama does lines of coke. Keep riding that all you want. It does nothing but prove my point even more. You silly conservatives will grasp onto anything negative even if it's a bold face lie.
Now you call yourself a bold faced liar?

You don't know how to play this game very well do you?


Well-Known Member
I'm 16 just like Obama does lines of coke. Keep riding that all you want. It does nothing but prove my point even more. You silly conservatives will grasp onto anything negative even if it's a bold face lie.
Except one thing. NOBODY believed your lie and NOT A SINGLE SOUL grasped onto it. You can ignore reality, but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.


Well-Known Member
Now you call yourself a bold faced liar?

You don't know how to play this game very well do you?
Oh, I'm playing it completely wrong because people, politicians, and news media outlets never lie. Can you teach me?