Obama does it again Big brother fines


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Well I almost dont want to wake up each day Obama just lubes us up and bends us over for another ass raping as he kills america. Now in his health plan if you do not purchase and keep his health insurnace you will fined and acessed fines via your tax refund times. starts at $1000 fine and up and you have to carry the government insurance oir your fined for not having thier insurance.He makes the call if he thinks you can afford it or not. not the person who pays the bills which would be ooh the public. You will take this and pay for it or else.Big Government and socilaism right in your face.. Its gotten really realy bad a revolt is going to have to take place to get this idiot out and try to save whats left. Heres an article about it....

Senate bill fines people who refuse health care coverage


WASHINGTON -- Americans who refuse to buy affordable medical coverage could be hit with fines of more than $1,000 under a health care overhaul bill unveiled Thursday by key Senate Democrats looking to fulfill President Barack Obama's top domestic priority.

The Congressional Budget Office estimated the fines will raise around $36 billion over 10 years. Senate aides said the penalties would be modeled on the approach taken by Massachusetts, which now imposes a fine of about $1,000 a year on individuals who refuse to get coverage. Under the federal legislation, families would pay higher penalties than individuals.

In a revamped health care system envisioned by lawmakers, people would be required to carry health insurance just like motorists must get auto coverage now.

The government would provide subsidies for the poor and many middle-class families, but those who still refuse to sign up would face penalties.

Called "shared responsibility payments," the fines would be set at least at half the cost of basic medical coverage, according to the legislation.

The goal is to nudge people to sign up for coverage when they are healthy, not wait until they get sick.

In 2008, employer-provided coverage averaged $12,680 a year for a family plan, and $4,704 for individual coverage, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation's annual survey. Senate aides, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly, said the cost of the federal plan would be lower but declined to provide specifics.

The legislation would exempt certain hardship cases from fines. The fines would be collected through the income tax system.

The new proposals were released as Congress neared the end of a weeklong July 4 break, with lawmakers expected to quickly take up health care legislation when they return to Washington. With deepening divisions along partisan and ideological lines, the complex legislation faces an uncertain future.

Obama wants a bill this year that would provide coverage to the nearly 50 million Americans who lack it and reduce medical costs.

In a statement, Obama welcomed the legislation, saying it "reflects many of the principles I've laid out, such as reforms that will prohibit insurance companies from refusing coverage for people with pre-existing conditions and the concept of insurance exchanges where individuals can find affordable coverage if they lose their jobs, move or get sick."

The Senate Health Education, Labor and Pensions bill also calls for a government-run insurance option to compete with private plans as well as a $750-per-worker annual fee on larger companies that do not offer coverage to employees.


Well-Known Member
Awesome, now i don't even have a choice over my own body. You know what we should all do? Stop paying our taxes, the IRS can't arrest everyone and who is going to work for free, the gubbermint won't be able to pay anyone salaries? Then we can all get together and boycott any consumption spending other than basic necessities. Then we will see who controls the country. Get 10% of the population to show up in DC and we got ourselves anything we want, you just can't say no to 10's of millions of people at your door. You can't shoot them all, and if you did the other 90% would revolt also.

My Dad was talking about the Pres the other day and I couldn't believe what came out of his mouth " I hope someone shoots that fucker"! Holy shit that floored me.


Well-Known Member
I think a majority of Americans are pleased with Obama. Even though democracy is the rule of the pigs and even though majority based mob mentalities are usually dangerous, he does have the support of the majority. Deal with it or leave. America is founded upon democracy and this is all we have. A pure democracy can only thrive with a bountiful and healthy marketplace of ideas and choice, so I'd say we abandoned democracy for capitalist oligarchy a while ago, but we'll see what happens... I'm optimistic.

And feel free not to pay your taxes. I don't care.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Umm the majority is not happy with Obama go out walk a street and ask resal people. I have to prove to some democrate friends here in a democrate state.Its only 3 out of 10 think he is doing good. Now ask anyone in the middle class and it drops even more since his giant tax increase. technically we do not have to pay taxes as they are illegal according to the constitution but the federal government enforces them.Even his poll rating drop weekly


Well-Known Member
I think a majority of Americans are pleased with Obama. Even though democracy is the rule of the pigs and even though majority based mob mentalities are usually dangerous, he does have the support of the majority. Deal with it or leave. America is founded upon democracy and this is all we have. A pure democracy can only thrive with a bountiful and healthy marketplace of ideas and choice, so I'd say we abandoned democracy for capitalist oligarchy a while ago, but we'll see what happens... I'm optimistic.

And feel free not to pay your taxes. I don't care.

The USA is not a Democracy, I don't know where you were educated, but the USA is a REPUBLIC. I doubt you even know what a republic is. "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all". Remember that? or were you not taught that in school? America was founded on Liberty, look up the definition of Liberty and you will be surprised. It was also founded on the rule of common law, Hurt no one and cause no one loss. That is Common Law.

According to the polls Obama has tripled his base of disapproval. He started at 90% approval and in only 6 months has dropped that to 58%, yeah its a majority but by the time he has 1/4 of his term done he should have less than 10% approval, and by the end of his term will probably go down in history as the worst president to ever take the office.

You just keep on thinking that the gubbermint is going to give you a free lunch and save the world. That is exactly what "They" want.


Well-Known Member
I think a majority of Americans are pleased with Obama. Even though democracy is the rule of the pigs and even though majority based mob mentalities are usually dangerous, he does have the support of the majority. Deal with it or leave. America is founded upon democracy and this is all we have. A pure democracy can only thrive with a bountiful and healthy marketplace of ideas and choice, so I'd say we abandoned democracy for capitalist oligarchy a while ago, but we'll see what happens... I'm optimistic.

And feel free not to pay your taxes. I don't care.
even medicineman isn't happy... and he's extremely liberal


Well-Known Member
Obama only had a 90% approval rating among DEMOCRATS, not overall. his overall approval rating has fallen about 8 points since the election.

Repeat, 90% approval from the DEMOCRATS ONLY, not overall.

Thank you.


Well-Known Member
The USA is not a Democracy, I don't know where you were educated, but the USA is a REPUBLIC. I doubt you even know what a republic is. "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all". Remember that? or were you not taught that in school? America was founded on Liberty, look up the definition of Liberty and you will be surprised. It was also founded on the rule of common law, Hurt no one and cause no one loss. That is Common Law.

According to the polls Obama has tripled his base of disapproval. He started at 90% approval and in only 6 months has dropped that to 58%, yeah its a majority but by the time he has 1/4 of his term done he should have less than 10% approval, and by the end of his term will probably go down in history as the worst president to ever take the office.

You just keep on thinking that the gubbermint is going to give you a free lunch and save the world. That is exactly what "They" want.
Republic simply means that our nation is not lead by a monarch. Our government is democratic.


Well-Known Member
Umm the majority is not happy with Obama go out walk a street and ask resal people. I have to prove to some democrate friends here in a democrate state.Its only 3 out of 10 think he is doing good. Now ask anyone in the middle class and it drops even more since his giant tax increase. technically we do not have to pay taxes as they are illegal according to the constitution but the federal government enforces them.Even his poll rating drop weekly
So you asked all americans about their approval? You polled everyone?

Democrat - not democrate.

Stop paying your taxes, please.


Well-Known Member
The USA is not a Democracy, I don't know where you were educated, but the USA is a REPUBLIC. I doubt you even know what a republic is. "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all". Remember that? or were you not taught that in school? America was founded on Liberty, look up the definition of Liberty and you will be surprised. It was also founded on the rule of common law, Hurt no one and cause no one loss. That is Common Law.

According to the polls Obama has tripled his base of disapproval. He started at 90% approval and in only 6 months has dropped that to 58%, yeah its a majority but by the time he has 1/4 of his term done he should have less than 10% approval, and by the end of his term will probably go down in history as the worst president to ever take the office.

You just keep on thinking that the gubbermint is going to give you a free lunch and save the world. That is exactly what "They" want.
I went to a Jesuit high school, earned my BA's at Butler, and finished both my MA and Ph.D. at Purdue.

And with your second bolded phrase, what the fuck are you talking about? I don't want a free lunch. I make over $80,000 a year and pay quite a bit of taxes. I don't mind it at all. And I don't think Obama will save the world. I don't even like him, but a majority of people voted for him and a majority still like him.

And finally, our government is officially democratic. Period. End of story.


Well-Known Member
even medicineman isn't happy... and he's extremely liberal
So because medicine man doesn't like Obama, every other liberal must not like him either? Logical fallacy.

I consider myself a liberal because I am free from all political constraints. Liberal literally means freed. I am free. It means NOTHING else. That being said, I don't like Obama. But I'm not going to sit on here and whine like a little bitch all day, making shit up to prove that I am better than those who support him. Belittling does not prove a point.


Well-Known Member
Republic simply means that our nation is not lead by a monarch. Our government is democratic.
Sure if Wikipedia is your source. And by that definition you would be ok if 51% of the population decided to kill the other 49%? Sorry A republic is MUCH different than a Democracy. In a Republic nothing can outvote your individual rights, they are unalienable. In other words 51% could not vote to kill the other 49% because the 49% have rights to life, just as do the 51% majority, which is where the "Common Law" definition comes into. I am using that term loosely to illustrate the fact that "Common Law" is natural to all men. We all know killing others or causing others harm is NOT good. I am not using "Common Law" term as opposed to statutory law, constitutional law, or case law. Read the context of the post before trying to discredit someone.

Hey wanna see something neat? Go look at a copy of the Constitution, Article IV section 4 states "The United States shall Guarantee to every State in this union a Republican form of government..."

Wanna see something else? Read the Declaration Of Independence. Your answers are in those documents. Now go ahead and tell me again how the US is a "Democracy" when the LAW OF THE LAND says it is NOT!

A Republic is just a Democracy with no monarch huh? I laugh at this premise. So many people who have been brainwashed by the propaganda on TV and in the books your were taught in school. You do know that history did not really happen the way you were taught right?

Not trying to be a jerk here, but when I can prove you wrong I will.


Well-Known Member
You do know that history did not really happen the way you were taught right?
Sadly this is true. Our educational system is very bad to say the least. you learn what the government wants you to learn. you only learn one side to every story. Very good points Drama. you definitely taught me something


Well-Known Member
I think a majority of Americans are pleased with Obama.
Fuck the majority. Most people are fools that don't pay enough attention to politics because they're too busy in their own lives. They just hear Obama's comforting words that the government will solve global warming and healthcare, and the auto industry, and blah blah blah....and they just blindly believe him. That blind faith will have long lasting, dire consequences if people don't start to wake up to what's going on. Bush was so demonized by the press for the last 4 years in office the majority stopped looking at policy and only saw the figurehead they drew up. The fact that he spent like a like a liberal lost many conservative votes as well, including mine. He was steadfast when it came to national security and foreign policy, unlike our current dipshit. That I will give him credit for. Instead of making this argument about Obama's popularity, which has nothing to do with the merits/substance of the argument, try taking on the actual debate of forced national healthcare instead.


Well-Known Member
Sure if Wikipedia is your source. And by that definition you would be ok if 51% of the population decided to kill the other 49%? Sorry A republic is MUCH different than a Democracy. In a Republic nothing can outvote your individual rights, they are unalienable. In other words 51% could not vote to kill the other 49% because the 49% have rights to life, just as do the 51% majority, which is where the "Common Law" definition comes into. I am using that term loosely to illustrate the fact that "Common Law" is natural to all men. We all know killing others or causing others harm is NOT good. I am not using "Common Law" term as opposed to statutory law, constitutional law, or case law. Read the context of the post before trying to discredit someone.

Hey wanna see something neat? Go look at a copy of the Constitution, Article IV section 4 states "The United States shall Guarantee to every State in this union a Republican form of government..."

Wanna see something else? Read the Declaration Of Independence. Your answers are in those documents. Now go ahead and tell me again how the US is a "Democracy" when the LAW OF THE LAND says it is NOT!

A Republic is just a Democracy with no monarch huh? I laugh at this premise. So many people who have been brainwashed by the propaganda on TV and in the books your were taught in school. You do know that history did not really happen the way you were taught right?

Not trying to be a jerk here, but when I can prove you wrong I will.
You DO realize that "a republican form of government" simply means that NO state will be established as a monarchy, right?

the definition of democracy, from Merriam-Webster

–noun, plural -cies. 1. government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system. 2. a state having such a form of government: The United States and Canada are democracies. 3. a state of society characterized by formal equality of rights and privileges. 4. political or social equality; democratic spirit. 5. the common people of a community as distinguished from any privileged class; the common people with respect to their political power.

The definition of republic, from the same source:

–noun 1. a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them. 2. any body of persons viewed as a commonwealth. 3. a state in which the head of government is not a monarch or other hereditary head of state. 4. (initial capital letter
) any of the five periods of republican government in France. Compare First Republic, Second Republic, Third Republic, Fourth Republic, Fifth Republic. 5. (initial capital letter, italics
) a philosophical dialogue (4th century b.c.) by Plato dealing with the composition and structure of the ideal state.

You're acting as if the US can only be one or the other, when in fact, the US is BOTH a republic AND a democracy, because those two words are SYNONYMS for one another (they mean essentially the same thing).


Mr I Can Do That For Half
point awarded to NoDrama. Correct we were founded as republic set up to have the states run the whole but some how it has become twisted and the States no longer run or control the federal government. This republic was set so the people would dictate how its elected officials represented us as a whole.. looks like all those degrees di not help much. On my polls I physically walked the streets and randomly asked people. It wasn't a predetermined group, no qualifier studies, no driven website no poll on the end of a bias article. I walked the street of a stae that is 80% democrate in the City of Chicago that is 85% democrate and asked' Are you currentlt satisfied with President Obamma at this point in time and o you beiliev he is doing what is best for our country?" simple unbiased direct in a heavy democrate zone. I also did it in missouri in get this a mixed zone and guess what same things...so now most the polls you quoted are a smaple size of a few hundred people so are you wrong to quote those since it is a small sample poll??