Obama for president in 2012

palins got more experience with everything than obama does. has obama ever run a state or anything before thats bigger than a mcdonalds??? no!! he has 0 experience. palins more of a man than he is to. heck.. nobody knows WHO the real obama is.....yet


Another way I look at it, we all know the consequences of hard core drugs. If you choose that path, that's your choice to make and not the Governments. Treat it like alcohol. Sold and used but if you misuse it you pay a price like people do for DUI DWI.

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
Lol was the last post a joke. lolipop fields fabulous creatures. That had to be a joke. away to camps. the post did make me laugh alot though. Sounds like hitlers running that utopia.
I'm totally cereal, Manbearpig is cereal!!! Why doesn't anyone believe me? :cry::cry:
obama in 2012!!!!!!!!!! he is our last hope to save this third rate country from the antichrist palin. he will beat her easy. hes a real american hater and folks like him and hes a regular good christ person like you and me like. who should be his pick for vp? pelosi reed or frank?
An Ice cube in Hell stands more of a chance than Palin. She reminds me of Alicia Silverstone in Clueless.

Personally. I'm not to fond of the dems. Big government is the problem not the solution.

America 3rd rate? You must not have traveled much.


Well-Known Member
I'm totally cereal, Manbearpig is cereal!!! Why doesn't anyone believe me? :cry::cry:
I like manbearpig cereal. The little frosted clusters. I also love golden grams and corn flakes. those are good cereals. What kind of cereal are you. Frosted, chocolate, maybe made of oats. Maybe acid cereal seems the most accurate.


Well-Known Member
i love how this thread is the exact opposite of the hicks thread for palin in 2012
Thank you...chowda..why are you doing this...you are copying other text and changing obama for palin...so does this mean you want the credit for being the BTM?

over 50000 AMERICANS have been arrested for pot since obami was elected. palin wants to legalize. IMPEACH barack HUSSEIN obama 2009 -vote PALIN 2012!
Have we finally found the identity of BTM? Psychopaths like attention.



Well-Known Member
palin in 2012!!!!!!!!!! she is our last hope to save this great country from the antichrist obama. she will beat him easy. shes a real american and folks like her and shes a regular good christian person like you and me. who should be her pick for vp? limbaugh or cheney or rove?
she could destroy obami in 2012. but yeah i couldnt care less what religion the president is so long as they aint MUSLIM. Ron Pauls ok and all but right now the country needs someone like palin whos ready to get in there and kill off some more terrorists.
some of you liberals sound like you forgot 9/11 already. this country needs someone with a backbone like palin to take care of our enemies. shes more of a man than obama is. shoot id bet my truck that palin could whoop obamas ass in a street fight anyday. obama is a terrorist sympathizer tryin to pull out of iraq but right now we gotta finish killin em but we cant leave north korea and iran alone cuz those bastards gotta be stopped now.
the facts r the usa IS a christian nation and it was founded on christian ideals by god fearin men. but it really doesnt matter. i just dont get WTF you democrats were thinking electing a MUSLIM president after 9/11??????????
You fail to realize the party break down in all of the big votes under the Marxist regime we now have in place. Dems for, repubs against. Republicans are now for the people, and although they too have been co-opted by the elites, they are slowly getting back on track. Purging themselves of leftists is the next step. A Lincoln like party again, I pray, is on the horizon.
well id vote for em but id rather see palin n cheney runnin in 2012. hey are any of ya all members of TEAM SARAH or would ya consider beocomin one???? were just a group of good patriotic AMERICANS who all beleive AND is dedicated to advancin the VALUES that palin represents.
Any of this sound familiar?



Well-Known Member
Hopefully she will be found to have a terminal illness prior to 2012, otherwise... I'm moving to Canada too
and this one is about the only one that is not BTM...not sure if growtech would find it funny that you are plagiarizing his words for your little game...

Yeah. Hopefully she will be found to have a terminal illness prior to 2012, otherwise... I'm moving to Canada too.


Well-Known Member
i can't believe people really have "favorites". i'd be embarrassed to look up to ANY politician at this point.


Well-Known Member
And from another BTM thread we have:

obamas backgrounds bein investigated right now by FOX news and lots of other good folks who AINT gonna sit quiet an watch while that COMMIE tries to flush our country down the toilet. the truth about the messiah WILL come out. everyone whos a true patriotic AMERICAN oughta be signin petitions and writin letters to ur political representives and local newspapers and ur city coucils callin for the IMPEACHMENT of barrack HUSSEIN obama.
And the choads identical post

palins backgrounds bein investigated right now by all the news and lots of other good folks who AINT gonna sit quiet an watch while that IDIOT WHORE tries to flush our Marxist country down the toilet. the truth about our messiah WILL come out. everyone whos a true AMERICAN hater oughta be signin petitions and writin letters to ur political representives and local newspapers and ur city coucils callin for the REELECTION of barrack HUSSEIN obama.
Hey FDD, are we allowed to create multiple usernames to try to start all this fun stuff?

I wonder who mystic really is?



Well-Known Member
bigtexasman shares a multiple account with - ten feet! -

not sure which one to ban. i could just ban them both. they both appear to be troll accounts. :fire:


Well-Known Member
i dont know i mean big tex puts his sentences together where they are understandable however the ch guy is very hard to understand. i mean that is when they are not copying each other


Well-Known Member
chchoda shares 15 accounts with someone. :confused:
Dude choda and BTM are the same.

Sometimes I wonder if there are only like 20 or so of us on here...I see the same people in with few exceptions. Who is mysticclown150...he is as ridiculous as BTM.



Well-Known Member
i dont know i mean big tex puts his sentences together where they are understandable however the ch guy is very hard to understand. i mean that is when they are not copying each other
Choda is the real member. BTM is his persona.



Well-Known Member
why have more then one account i dont get that i think i have two cause i forgot my first ones screen and password. Damn weed.


Well-Known Member
ah yea guess you can say what you want and not worry about it. i think it have two but i am not sure. I only use vertise cause i actually can remember my password for it..