Obama ... He's Lookin' Good!


Well-Known Member
Illegal settlement expansion in the West Bank. A very mild criticism of our proxy military state.
W said the same thing clinton said the same thing. Of course every president has told israel to stop building in the occupied territories. Israel told all those other presidents to fuck off and give us more american tax dollars, and thats what they did.....talk about weakness.

The tail isn't wagging the dog anymore cracker. get used to it

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
israel is a case of the victims turning into the victimizers and they will get what they have coming to them eventually. israel and its actions are outrageous they cause much of the disdain muslims have for the us. big sticks dont work against crazy religious people the only way to combat militant religious people on all sides is a battle of education vs. ignorance. people who are decided on militancy(either christians muslims jews) are decided people on the fence are those who need to be reached dropping bombs or invading countries will only make more moderates head toward militancy and the circle of violence will continue. its not about the us bowing down its about equal treatment and respect.


New Member
israel need to be utterly cut off from the us.
There was a huge discussion in here a few months back, I was called a rascist for declaring Zionist jews brutal murderers for their treatment of the Palestinians. Also, for declaring that the FED was owned by Zionist Jews. Did you notice that the last brutal attack Israel made on the west bank was literally expunged from US news. One had to watch foriegn news, or something like LINK TV to see what was actually going on. They slaughtered hundreds of women and children, and hardly any was reported on the US news. I called for cutting off funds then and was berated as a rascist. Must be a few Jewish people on this site that took offense. There was absolutely no offense intended towards the Jewish people, just their leaders. Just as most 3rd world residents hate America for their treatment of the 3rd world countries, they should be about hating the leaders of the USA.


New Member
please don't leave......:o
Too bad Musical Suicide, (The LEO), didn't take him with him on the way out. I wonder, can anyone get into your computer from the net and read your files? Sounds rather draconian to me and most certainly should have LEO authorization. What pisses me off is that sometimes I agreed with the asshole on his political views, WTF? I thought RIU had software to prevent that snooping.


New Member
2 of the people serving time for treason in federal prison are there for selling secrets to the israelis.


Well-Known Member
On the other hand, Washingtonian magazine graced us with a spiffy, Photoshopped cover of a fit and toned swimsuit-wearing President Obama. So all is not lost.

At least he looks good.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.


Well-Known Member
i will say obama is handling world relations better than bush/cheney by far. what people dont understand with the muslim issue is you cant kill it away religious wars dont work that way they just go on and on. the only way to slowly curb terrorism is through better relations with muslim nations and education on both sides and i dont mean more puppet goverments that help us interests. our whole approach has to be changed people have a huge misconception about islam as a religion. most of what the right(christians) spew out is pure propaganda with regards to muslims. it is the same with the jihadist muslims that twist the teachings of there religion to suit there goals. most christians and muslims dont understand the real teachings of there own faiths and until people become more educated there will be more violence and violence begets violence it is very simple. so obama at the very least is doing much better than the previous admin in this regard.
Yikes, ask yourself this question. Just how intensely have you studied this "religion?" Jihadists don't twist the religon. They ARE "true" Muslims. Allah sates anything short of how "peaceful" Muslims handle their religion are MUNAFIQ.....google.
As I recall, Bush said Islam was a PEACEFUL religion. It's anything but, sorry.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Its a simple thing to see Obama is doing so much bad in the US and is already viewed as weak by the world. He has no clue how to help the US at home and he has no idea what it means to be the US president in the worlds eye. The entire Isreal Palestein issue is retarded at bet. There is one reason and one reason only we do not get fully involved in that mess and that is becuase somethimes you have to pick a side of a shit mountain and that shit mountain the stronger side is Isreal. We need that strong foothold with them to maintain a middle east presnce for all access points so we picked the side most likely to win but yet say enough to seem nuetral which is fine as that whole region is fucked we just need an in when they get to carried away. Its a tie thye both suck. We now have the oohh so world friendly Obama pissing off several insane countries at once and those who thought Bush was war full will be shitting there pants when North Korea and Iran begin Nuclear declarations and then Pakistan who is not happy with Obama all start firing away since they dont give a fuck and the catalyst is Obama. Then since the middle east friends we have already see Obama as week with his submissive bows and actions will be scared to help or give us the access we will need. Yup Obama one hell of a guy...Crushes a super power nation in less then a year and starts nuclear aged world war 3..Good job thumbs up


Its a simple thing to see Obama is doing so much bad in the US and is already viewed as weak by the world. He has no clue how to help the US at home and he has no idea what it means to be the US president in the worlds eye. The entire Isreal Palestein issue is retarded at bet. There is one reason and one reason only we do not get fully involved in that mess and that is becuase somethimes you have to pick a side of a shit mountain and that shit mountain the stronger side is Isreal. We need that strong foothold with them to maintain a middle east presnce for all access points so we picked the side most likely to win but yet say enough to seem nuetral which is fine as that whole region is fucked we just need an in when they get to carried away. Its a tie thye both suck. We now have the oohh so world friendly Obama pissing off several insane countries at once and those who thought Bush was war full will be shitting there pants when North Korea and Iran begin Nuclear declarations and then Pakistan who is not happy with Obama all start firing away since they dont give a fuck and the catalyst is Obama. Then since the middle east friends we have already see Obama as week with his submissive bows and actions will be scared to help or give us the access we will need. Yup Obama one hell of a guy...Crushes a super power nation in less then a year and starts nuclear aged world war 3..Good job thumbs up

OK guy... better go purchase that bomb shelter then eh.. :dunce:


New Member
Its a simple thing to see Obama is doing so much bad in the US and is already viewed as weak by the world. He has no clue how to help the US at home and he has no idea what it means to be the US president in the worlds eye. The entire Isreal Palestein issue is retarded at bet. There is one reason and one reason only we do not get fully involved in that mess and that is becuase somethimes you have to pick a side of a shit mountain and that shit mountain the stronger side is Isreal. We need that strong foothold with them to maintain a middle east presnce for all access points so we picked the side most likely to win but yet say enough to seem nuetral which is fine as that whole region is fucked we just need an in when they get to carried away. Its a tie thye both suck. We now have the oohh so world friendly Obama pissing off several insane countries at once and those who thought Bush was war full will be shitting there pants when North Korea and Iran begin Nuclear declarations and then Pakistan who is not happy with Obama all start firing away since they dont give a fuck and the catalyst is Obama. Then since the middle east friends we have already see Obama as week with his submissive bows and actions will be scared to help or give us the access we will need. Yup Obama one hell of a guy...Crushes a super power nation in less then a year and starts nuclear aged world war 3..Good job thumbs up
If ignorance is bliss, you must be one happy Mutha.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Sooo you two are in denial even though all those things are actually true and have been opening discussed and acknowledged?? You also must have thought Clinto did a good job by destroying our oil refineries, weakening our military and perjuring himself right?



Filthy, I hate the government probably more than anyone I know, left, right, almost every single politician is a scumbag. So don't come back with something crazy about how I'm supporting Obama, I just wanted to clarify that before this post.

- viewed weak around the world - totally subjective opinion. What because he's actually talking to people, because he's trying to make compromises and strengthen international ties, that's weakness?

- well mr. expert on diplomacy and international affairs, why don't you go ahead and tell me what it means to be the US president in the worlds eye. (shit on everyone who doesn't agree with you?)

- we use Israel as a scapegoat to steal resources from the middle east, it's as simple as that and that is Israels only purpose for the United States. If Israel were located in Africa or South America, we wouldn't give a fuck about it. We need to GET RID OF that access point, that's the entire fuckin' problem in the first place, that is one of the major reasons that region is so unstable, because of such an extensive American presence and unyeilding loyalty, no matter what for Israel. Israel bombs it's neighbors, we support Israel with weapons, cash, and plenty of other materials and technologies, this makes it look to the rest of the Arab world that we support terrorism while actively waging a war against terror. I hope you see the irony because I sure as fuck know it's not lost on any Muslim in the middle east. America's support for a terrorist state is the problem.

- how some of you guys go from "Obama is pissing people off" to "there's going to be all out nuclear WORLD WAR III!!!" amazes me. Go check the 'Iran Update' thread where CrackerJax brings up the exact same scenario type bullshit you just did. It's not realistic, it's not plausable, it's so over the top it makes you guys look completely ignorant on weapons systems, technologies, diplomacy... reality. Do you remember the last time a nuclear weapon was detonated in an act of aggression? Do you know why none have been detonated since? Do you know how many innocent people were killed? Do you know what MAD is?

final note, Obama can bow to the queen or PM of Japan and it's all good but as soon as he bows to the Saudi King all hell breaks loose and he's weak and submissive! What's the difference?


Well-Known Member
Filthy, I hate the government probably more than anyone I know, left, right, almost every single politician is a scumbag. So don't come back with something crazy about how I'm supporting Obama, I just wanted to clarify that before this post.

- viewed weak around the world - totally subjective opinion. What because he's actually talking to people, because he's trying to make compromises and strengthen international ties, that's weakness?

- well mr. expert on diplomacy and international affairs, why don't you go ahead and tell me what it means to be the US president in the worlds eye. (shit on everyone who doesn't agree with you?)

- we use Israel as a scapegoat to steal resources from the middle east, it's as simple as that and that is Israels only purpose for the United States. If Israel were located in Africa or South America, we wouldn't give a fuck about it. We need to GET RID OF that access point, that's the entire fuckin' problem in the first place, that is one of the major reasons that region is so unstable, because of such an extensive American presence and unyeilding loyalty, no matter what for Israel. Israel bombs it's neighbors, we support Israel with weapons, cash, and plenty of other materials and technologies, this makes it look to the rest of the Arab world that we support terrorism while actively waging a war against terror. I hope you see the irony because I sure as fuck know it's not lost on any Muslim in the middle east. America's support for a terrorist state is the problem.

- how some of you guys go from "Obama is pissing people off" to "there's going to be all out nuclear WORLD WAR III!!!" amazes me. Go check the 'Iran Update' thread where CrackerJax brings up the exact same scenario type bullshit you just did. It's not realistic, it's not plausable, it's so over the top it makes you guys look completely ignorant on weapons systems, technologies, diplomacy... reality. Do you remember the last time a nuclear weapon was detonated in an act of aggression? Do you know why none have been detonated since? Do you know how many innocent people were killed? Do you know what MAD is?

final note, Obama can bow to the queen or PM of Japan and it's all good but as soon as he bows to the Saudi King all hell breaks loose and he's weak and submissive! What's the difference?
Only one objection, the last time we turned our back on a friend it gave us Iran, besides, loyalty padawan, is a virtue.

If we turn our back on one of our friends we should not be surprised when all of our friends turn their backs on us. Maybe that would be a good thing, it would cause the United States to end up being isolationist again, even if it were not by our free will, and who can imagine the kind of economic revival we would have if China, Taiwan, Japan, Mexico and Europe prohibited their corporations from dealing with the United States and threw ours out?

As far as extending diplomatic and commercial ties to the rest of the Middle East, I do not see anything wrong with that.