Obama Rejects The Keystone XL Pipeline

Nobody believes you Duke, except for other tards that are as dumb as you. The more you try, the worse you look.

If you knew how regulated the disposal of body parts was, you wouldn't have even tried to make that lie. That's yet another example of the level of intelligence you display here on a regular basis.

Sorry to hear about your grandma, sorry for your loss.
You are an expert at the disposal of body parts?
The regulations are the same as any other biological waste. I'm pretty sure nothing has changed from 1985.
You are an expert at the disposal of body parts?
The regulations are the same as any other biological waste. I'm pretty sure nothing has changed from 1985.

lol, you should stop digging

In 1997 the EPA changed the standards and shut down 1000's of on-site incinerators. So back in 85, the local hospitals would have disposed of those parts you claim were laying around so you could play with them.

So not only would you have not gone to a mortuary after playing with someone's grandma's left foot back then, the laws have changed greatly since 85'.

Not only is it painfully obvious you are lying, it speaks volumes about the type of person you are that you would try to impress people with THAT kind of lie.

My work here is done, you are too boring and stupid to waste too much time on, so you can go into one of your RACIST!! tirades and I'll leave you alone. If people here are dumb enough to believe what you say after this, then they are pretty much hopeless anyway,.
lol, you should stop digging

In 1997 the EPA changed the standards and shut down 1000's of on-site incinerators. So back in 85, the local hospitals would have disposed of those parts you claim were laying around so you could play with them.

So not only would you have not gone to a mortuary after playing with someone's grandma's left foot back then, the laws have changed greatly since 85'.

Not only is it painfully obvious you are lying, it speaks volumes about the type of person you are that you would try to impress people with THAT kind of lie.
In 1985 we took the pathology waste to a funeral home.
How about reading what you post racist douche bag
In 1985 we took the pathology waste to a funeral home.
How about reading what you post racist douche bag
lol, no, no you didn't. Infectious waste (which is what pathology waste is classified as you tard) is not disposed of at a funeral home. Damn you caught the dumb real bad.

"Hey Mr. Pathologist, when you get done examining that cell tissue from the foot, toss it to me and I'll drop it off at a funeral home after scaring my roommate with it" said nobody ever.
lol, no, no you didn't. Infectious waste (which is what pathology waste is classified as you tard) is not disposed of at a funeral home. Damn you caught the dumb real bad.

"Hey Mr. Pathologist, when you get done examining that cell tissue from the foot, toss it to me and I'll drop it off at a funeral home after scaring my roommate with it" said nobody ever.
I didn't run the lab. I did phlebotomy, did EKGs, picked up samples from doctors offices and dropped off body parts at the local funeral home.
You don't know Jack shit
I didn't run the lab. I did phlebotomy, did EKGs, picked up samples from doctors offices and dropped off body parts at the local funeral home.
You don't know Jack shit

Did you jack off with one of those severed hands, ya know, just to get some strange? I am sure paddywhacker would like to know the answer to that.
Did you jack off with one of those severed hands, ya know, just to get some strange? I am sure paddywhacker would like to know the answer to that.
That must be why you asked, huh?

You have no clue how bad you look when you do shit like that. I'm sure it sounded good in your head...

Remember the first time you called me racist? It was when I called you on your bullshit, you claimed you used to bring body parts home from a lab and throw them at your roommate, you claimed you had the only living grandma who was listed as a male on her birth certificate and has no possible way to change it among many others (I care so little about it I won't even ask the creepy stalker dude for his file on you to show the quotes, people see you...). It was when I was fairly new and your account was just made. I thought, jeez, this guy couldn't tell the truth if he had to. You were even still denying you were a sock puppet account at the time until you got cornered. Now you are one of those idiots that accuse others of being sock-puppets like that really means anything coming from you.

It's obvious you don't understand how the price of oil is set, instead of trying to learn, you went into name calling. That sucks man, you chose ignorant and mean instead. You seem like good people. I mean other than braggin(lying) about desecrating the bodies of people so you can have a goof.

hey, nice meltdown. it even got you a like from desert dude, a cop ho joined a white supremacy group.

are you ever gonna tell us about those "geographic regions" which somehow failed to "evolve from the neck up"?

or is former KKK grandwizard david duke the only one still talking about that nonsense, anti-science, racist theory?
Don't go getting sensitive on us, Paddy. You have a masterful history, so I was just making a little joke. It's not like I brought up your fascination with rape, after all.

speaking of masterful histories, why did you study at napa JC to be a cop, then join a pot website, wish federal prison on multiple growers, and then play dumb when one of them got sent to federal prison the very next day after you said he would go there?
It's funny. My memory is starting to go. But I don't remember ever being cornered or being a sock puppet.

It's bizarre he remembers so much shit from 3-4 years ago about what I posted. Almost like he is keeping a text file
It's funny. My memory is starting to go. But I don't remember ever being cornered or being a sock puppet.

It's bizarre he remembers so much shit from 3-4 years ago about what I posted. Almost like he is keeping a text file
If you understood what a bizarre full of shit statement taking body parts home to mess with your roommate is, you would understand why it's so memorable.

Didn't you admit that you used to be Duke Anthony (after denying for many posts)? If it wasn't you, my apologies, if it was you, then you're on your sock puppet account.

lol at keeping files on people here, only sociopath losers do shit like that, am I right?
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If you understood what a bizarre full of shit statement taking body parts home to mess with your roommate is, you would understand why it's so memorable.

Didn't you admit that you used to be Duke Anthony (after denying for many posts)? If it wasn't you, my apologies, if it was you, then you're on your sock puppet account.
Duke Anthony Got banned for claiming to be a 16 year old.
He also said Banning him would lead to the web site melting down.

And coincidently It did
Chesusrice This account was created a couple years after Dukeathony Was banned
A sock puppet is a multiple account created for the sole purpose of trolling or creating a bandwagon effect.

I have no multiple accounts running either now or ever
Duke Anthony Got banned for claiming to be a 16 year old.
He also said Banning him would lead to the web site melting down.

And coincidently It did
Chesusrice This account was created a couple years after Dukeathony Was banned
A sock puppet is a multiple account created for the sole purpose of trolling or creating a bandwagon effect.

I have no multiple accounts running either now or ever

You should inform the village idiot of that point. He calls everyone that has been banned and is using a new account a sock puppet.

I was here and active during and immediately after DA was banned, I certainly don't remember a meltdown. He kind of passed away like a fart in the wind. Reminds me of the demise of cloudcity or whatever the exact name was that the douchebag used.
You should inform the village idiot of that point. He calls everyone that has been banned and is using a new account a sock puppet.

I was here and active during and immediately after DA was banned, I certainly don't remember a meltdown. He kind of passed away like a fart in the wind. Reminds me of the demise of cloudcity or whatever the exact name was that the douchebag used.
The database collapsed.
You do have a very selective memory
This is really good news for Warren Buffet and his Railway called BNSF. Instead of a pipeline, they will ship oil by rail and we all know they never have accidents or spills on trains(Sarc).
I wonder how much money the Oracle of Omaha spent?

Its not unlike the main money behind prohibition was Rockefeller and his sneaky plan to put Ford's ethanol fuel out of business.