Obama says "we have bigger fish to fry"


Well-Known Member
The president has stated to a washington state news agency that federal enforcement agencies will not pursue marijuana growers. saying "we have bigger fish to fry" probably referring to the war and counter terrorism agenda which takes up most of their efforts.


Well-Known Member
"we have bigger fish to fry" implies that you are a fish to be fried, albeit a smaller one.

i think a lot of people are surprised that they haven't done more already though.


Well-Known Member
No bigger fish to fry implies more serious matters at hand like dealers of schedule 1 narcotics, suspected terrorists etc. not marijuana growers who are operating with licenses in compliance with state law But thanks for your input.. Who is that in your avatar by the way? I thought i saw him on a commercial... He's a car salesman that was it

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Ya but it's all bullshit, and this was said at least 2-3 months ago so it's also old bullshit news.

Even though like what Buck said about some people are surprised Obama hasn't done more, I think Buck is referring to doing more raids, Obama used this same language right before he began a record number of raids on med establishments out west, more raids than both Bush's and Clinton combined. I think the feds, which want to do raids NOW and are dead set against marijuana legalization, are just being kept on ice until certain factors/events happen and then it will be an all out assault on med and rec. I don't believe for a minute any president, congress or head of the DEA or DOJ will ignore the marijuana issue for too long. It's a "wait and see" deal right now IMO, much like surveillance or scouting is done for days, weeks and months at a time before any actions are taken.
And btw, marijuana is classified as a schedule I drug.

We get your rant dude, but things are not always as they seem. Me telling you marijuana will never be legal most states or federally is like you telling me it will. It's all speculation. Nobody knows what will really happen.


Well-Known Member
No bigger fish to fry implies more serious matters at hand like dealers of schedule 1 narcotics, suspected terrorists etc. not marijuana growers who are operating with licenses in compliance with state law But thanks for your input.. Who is that in your avatar by the way? I thought i saw him on a commercial... He's a car salesman that was it
Schedule 1 you say? ...



Well-Known Member
BO has always been a master waffler on this topic, he's for federal law BUT you never know, maybe enforce it next year
still, you have to expect some sort of legal showdown at SCOTUS
and what the president says must have some form of consequence in that showdown
i watch and wait for that day with great interest


Well-Known Member
*I think Buck is referring to doing more raids, Obama used this same language right before he began a record number of raids on med establishments out west, more raids than both Bush's and Clinton combined.
no, i was referring to many, many actions that obama could have taken to squash colorado and washington so that they wouldn't even think about implementing their laws. he didn't take them to court, he didn't withhold funds, nothing. he sent holder to go work on implementing the laws with the states.

and it's hard to raid dispensaries that aren't there. there has been an explosion of dispensaries under obama ever since he released the holder memo directing his underlings to make cannabis a low priority.

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
no, i was referring to many, many actions that obama could have taken to squash colorado and washington so that they wouldn't even think about implementing their laws. he didn't take them to court, he didn't withhold funds, nothing. he sent holder to go work on implementing the laws with the states.

and it's hard to raid dispensaries that aren't there. there has been an explosion of dispensaries under obama ever since he released the holder memo directing his underlings to make cannabis a low priority.
I see. Well basically you thought Obama would take more action AGAINST and did not. Same here. But in hindsight I understand why he didn't, he needed to keep political capital even though he did lose some by not supporting legalization. He kinda just stood by with his hands in his pockets shrugging his shoulders. And Holder is still "holding" back any response yet to those meetings. With the UN now involved with the international law issues , the hold up is very understandable and makes things much more complicated.

It's hard to raid dispensaries that aren't there, yet under Obama there has been a explosion of them. OK, that doesn't make sense, but ok.


Well-Known Member
It's hard to raid dispensaries that aren't there, yet under Obama there has been a explosion of them. OK, that doesn't make sense, but ok.
right after the holder memo dropped, people went crazy. dispensaries exploded everywhere.

there were no busts in oregon before that memo, there were also no dispensaries.

there have been a very few busts up here in oregon since, but that's because we now have dozens and dozens of dispensaries.

what few busts there have been i've agreed with. one was an oriental family growing hundreds of pounds of crap weed at ripoff prices, stoneygirl (that fucking cunt) was another, she had hundreds of pounds and was a snake oil saleswoman, one dispensary the owners called the cops on each other.

all the places that keep a low profile, charge reasonable prices, and don't call the cops on each other don't get busted. and dispensaries aren't even allowed under our state law.

ya can't bust a dispensary that doesn't exist.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
No bigger fish to fry implies more serious matters at hand like dealers of schedule 1 narcotics, suspected terrorists etc. not marijuana growers who are operating with licenses in compliance with state law But thanks for your input.. Who is that in your avatar by the way? I thought i saw him on a commercial... He's a car salesman that was it
Buck uses the image of Mitt Romney to produce that bile taste in the back of your throat while he debates with you.

Ugh...slimy mitt.


Well-Known Member
I recall hearing the pathetic tool saying this on his campaign trail nearly five years ago. He's a liar. He definitely has no intention of ever following through with his word UNLESS it's something in direct opposition of our constitution.


Well-Known Member
I recall hearing the pathetic tool saying this on his campaign trail nearly five years ago. He's a liar. He definitely has no intention of ever following through with his word UNLESS it's something in direct opposition of our constitution.
that's odd, we must be listening to two different people. last time i heard obama talk about it, he said he was definitely not in favor of giving carte blanche to a cannabis industry.

but then again, you also seem to think that the PPACA *was "in direct opposition to the constitution" (it was not), that obama's challenge to AZ's SB1070 was "in direct opposition to the constitution" (it was not), and anything else he has done was "in direct opposition to the constitution".

well, there's the problem. one of us lives in an alternate reality.


Well-Known Member
Ya but it's all bullshit, and this was said at least 2-3 months ago so it's also old bullshit news.

Even though like what Buck said about some people are surprised Obama hasn't done more, I think Buck is referring to doing more raids, Obama used this same language right before he began a record number of raids on med establishments out west, more raids than both Bush's and Clinton combined. I think the feds, which want to do raids NOW and are dead set against marijuana legalization, are just being kept on ice until certain factors/events happen and then it will be an all out assault on med and rec. I don't believe for a minute any president, congress or head of the DEA or DOJ will ignore the marijuana issue for too long. It's a "wait and see" deal right now IMO, much like surveillance or scouting is done for days, weeks and months at a time before any actions are taken.
And btw, marijuana is classified as a schedule I drug.

We get your rant dude, but things are not always as they seem. Me telling you marijuana will never be legal most states or federally is like you telling me it will. It's all speculation. Nobody knows what will really happen.
key word: DEALERS,, growing thats one thing but once you start selling thats a whole different ball game in that case your right it may never be legal my point is feds aren't going to bust down your door and send you to prison for a few plants in WA state