Obama the Messiah

thaddeus p shaggnasty

Active Member
as a reformed thinker I'm voting for Senator Obama becase as a 35 yaer old 10 year Veteran I feel he can make this country a place my 2 sons can have the DREAM...There is NOTHING wrong with RESPONABLE TAXATION NOT tax cuts for big corprations and pepole who make 100Kbongsmilie:leaf: GOT HOPE :peace:


Well-Known Member
obama is our only way to change. mccain will not fix anything. he will lead us down the path on the map bush drew for him. everyone who reads this please understand and spread this statement below

oil drilling will not lower prices. the u.s gov has no control over the oil drilled here in the usa. it is a private industry. the pice of oil is controlled by the stock market. so if a private company drills for new oil they sell that oil at market value. no company will flood the market with enough oil to bring down prices . it is all about capatilism we are the living model of capatilism poor people work in manufacturing and lower paying labor intense jobs while rich people control the flows of money via the stock market. thank you


Well-Known Member
I do not believe removing Saddam was a mistake. I believe that paying 4000 lives and two trillion dollars to do it was a mistake. Like I said, a one billion dollar bounty on his head would have done the job, and we'd not have lost any lives nor spent our childrens' future accomplishing the goal. And then we'd have had a buttload of troops to work on bringing down the Taliban and Al Qaeda, and a better chance of catching Osama. Removing Saddam was not a mistake. Invading Iraq to do it was the mistake, and a huger one there has never been.


New Member
No, we sent the Afghanistan warriors into hiding, just like they did with Russia, they will return to defeat us. No-one has conquered that land since Alexander the Great, and we will not either. JMHO.


New Member
obama in control of US Nukes is kinda a scary thought. he has no military experience and for him to be in office while we are at war might fuck up America even more
george bush had no military experience and he got us into the mess in Iraq......


New Member
obama in control of US Nukes is kinda a scary thought. he has no military experience and for him to be in office while we are at war might fuck up America even more
Come on, you weren't scared when they gave the football to Dubya? I'm still scared he may do something stupid before we can get him out.


Active Member
"afghanistan warriors into hiding'' - Really? First of all, when do "warriors" hide? There not "warriors" by any means. They are farmers and regular people with AK's that "spray and pray" when in a battle. They are recruited by the Taliban by force. Anyways we did take them and they will not defeat us.


Active Member
george bush had no military experience and he got us into the mess in Iraq......
Ummmm yes he did. He was in the Texas National Guard and flew jets. Make fun of only being in the guard all you want, but at least he was in unlike 98% of the population in the US that has never served in the Military.


New Member
Well first of all, Obama has switched his statements about when he wants to pull us out IF he gets in. And im sure he'll change it again. Taliban fighters are in Iraq as well as Afghanistan, you can argue with that but the facts are they are there. I would love to see the Iraq Military hold its own. But until then, we need to stay. We need someone that will protect this country, and its not Obama. I gtg work on my grow room. I need to know how to post, I have some questions of my own about lights! take care everyone and remember "just say no.... to Obama" ;-)
the Iraqis were holding their own until we went in and fucked up their country...in your other post you said the money is good?? $20,000 a year to have people shooting at you?? you can't be serious...you also said a in another post that Obama won't allow off shore drilling...the US is the 5th largest producer of oil in the world...how much of that oil goes to the highest bidder?? all of it and we are not the highest bidder...In the last four years, the government has issued 28,776 drilling permits, but only 18,954 new wells were drilled. Oil companies should use their permits or let someone else drill on the land.


New Member
Ummmm yes he did. He was in the Texas National Guard and flew jets. Make fun of only being in the guard all you want, but at least he was in unlike 98% of the population in the US that has never served in the Military.
george bush never flew a jet...you were in the military and you should know that to fly a jet you must have a very riggerous physical exam...george bush never showed up for his physical...when he tranfered to the alabama air guard he never once showed up...not once...


New Member
george bush never flew a jet...you were in the military and you should know that to fly a jet you must have a very riggerous physical exam...george bush never showed up for his physical...when he tranfered to the alabama air guard he never once showed up...not once...
Yeah, he was too busy with coke parties and nasty girls. I wonder if Laura ever attended his coke parties, she may have been a nasty girl herself.. Geeze, can you imagine the amount and quality of coke he must have been privey to being the son of a billionaire and POTUS. I've heard stories about the senior Bush and coke/sex parties in the white house. Nothing better than getting a blow job while spun on coke, takes about three hours and you have to have either one really nasty girl or two or three to take turns. I've done it both ways,~LOL~. (I used to be a coke dealer, shh, don't tell anyone). Amazing what nasty girls will do for some big fat lines. The good old days,~LOL~.


New Member
Yeah, he was too busy with coke parties and nasty girls. I wonder if Laura ever attended his coke parties, she may have been a nasty girl herself.. Geeze, can you imagine the amount and quality of coke he must have been privey to being the son of a billionaire and POTUS. I've heard stories about the senior Bush and coke/sex parties in the white house. Nothing better than getting a blow job while spun on coke, takes about three hours and you have to have either one really nasty girl or two or three to take turns. I've done it both ways,~LOL~. (I used to be a coke dealer, shh, don't tell anyone). Amazing what nasty girls will do for some big fat lines. The good old days,~LOL~.
I think Laura was too busy drinking and driving and killing her boyfriend....


Active Member
Ummmm I think he did, he served as an F-102 pilot for the Texas Air National Guard before beginning his career in the oil and gas business in Midland in 1975... Google it or something. Liberals.... always talking before knowing the facts.... I wouldn't expect anything less. ;-)


New Member
[FONT=Verdana, Helvetica]With two years left in his six-year obligation to the Texas Air National Guard, 1st Lt. George W. Bush was mysteriously suspended from flight - and never again reported for a single day of duty.[/FONT]

The Smoking Jet
Read the whole article. Puts some suspicion on his sudden disappearance From the guard. Maybe some substance abuse, like Cocaine, Duh!


Well-Known Member
Bush is just a real person, these liberals cant stand that he is just a normal guy. So he didnt actually fly any plans no shit??? would you get out of dying if your daddy had a postion of power? Of course you would, think before you talk....... idiot


Well-Known Member
Yeah, he's *too* normal. He's average. Is average the best we can do in this country? We can't find someone who is exceptionally intelligent? I don't want to be led by someone who is (at best) average. Those are the guys you hand a stick to and send to the front line; those aren't the guys you want devising global strategies and telling the generals what to do. And when the leader of the US simply cannot pronounce the word 'nuclear', it makes us all look stupid by association.

So you're right, I cannot stand that the best leader we could elect is average. Surely, out of 300 million people, we do have some people who are *above* average and who understand how to speak their native language.


New Member
Bush is just a real person, these liberals cant stand that he is just a normal guy. So he didnt actually fly any plans no shit??? would you get out of dying if your daddy had a postion of power? Of course you would, think before you talk....... idiot
Real asshole would be more like it. He is responsible for more deaths than any president since Lincoln. He started out as the texas governor that killed more death row inmates than any before or since and graduated to killing 3-8 hundred thousand Iraqis and 4,000+++ Americans plus maiming countless others on both sides.


New Member
Real asshole would be more like it. He is responsible for more deaths than any president since Lincoln. He started out as the texas governor that killed more death row inmates than any before or since and graduated to killing 3-8 hundred thousand Iraqis and 4,000+++ Americans plus maiming countless others on both sides.
~lol~ Everytime you post the Iraqi death figures, you increase the number. Is that just for effect, or can you supply proof of your assertions? :blsmoke:
