Obama's Debate Against the GOP


Well-Known Member
Just in case the Fox viewers wanted to see what they missed when Fox cut away.


Illegal Smile

So here we have Obama after a year. He has lost his filibuster proof senate majority, his job approval is under 50%, his legislative agenda is in a shambles, and he offers a budget that is the equivalent of giving America the finger. But to read this thread you would think he is in a strong position. Dems are in such a panic they have succumbed to utter delusion. Good!


Well-Known Member
So here we have Obama after a year. He has lost his filibuster proof senate majority, his job approval is under 50%, his legislative agenda is in a shambles, and he offers a budget that is the equivalent of giving America the finger. But to read this thread you would think he is in a strong position. Dems are in such a panic they have succumbed to utter delusion. Good!
He has changed his bills to fit what the Republicans want becuase he is actually trying to please them. And then they still vote no.

You are the problem with politics and with this country in general.


Well-Known Member
Nobody can say that wasn't a situation in Republicans favor. Oh lets see, 140 House Republicans vs. Obama. Did the room have a liberal bias? I thought it was a really good give and take. Of course unlike CNN and MSNBC, Fox cut away early to give their "analysis". God forbid you let people just listen to Republicans and the President in their own words, LIVE! But I guess they couldn't risk viewers seeing part of a political discourse that doesn't match their networks perceptions or claims.
LOL, have you followed some of the batshit crazy things that House Republicans have been saying lately?


Well-Known Member
So here we have Obama after a year. He has lost his filibuster proof senate majority, his job approval is under 50%, his legislative agenda is in a shambles, and he offers a budget that is the equivalent of giving America the finger. But to read this thread you would think he is in a strong position. Dems are in such a panic they have succumbed to utter delusion. Good!
What part of the budget "gives america the finger". Have you ever taken a course in Macroeconomics?


Active Member
You all know if Obama used his supermajority to push anything through the GOP would have gone ape shit, and...... you have to give the man a bit of respect for not pushing his agenda through when he had the chance. Unlike most of the righties, Obama is truly trying to be bi-partisan, if this act doesnt show this, and if you cant see this, then you need to think about things a bit further than just right and left.

The republicans are and have always been about their agenda and are always willing to PUSH any of their ideals through with out even blinking, and no remorse if it was a bad decision......... but where does this get us? more partisanship.
DEMACRAT SUPERMAJORITY, and he didnt send us into socialism, or marxism, or comunism, or any other descriptive word the right likes to use to bash him. they are trying to use fear tactics again, oh when will they learn fear only gets you so far, if your scared for too long you become brave to it, and stand up against it. especially when you realize....... what your scared of reveals itself to NOT be what you expected.


Well-Known Member
You all know if Obama used his supermajority to push anything through the GOP would have gone ape shit, and...... you have to give the man a bit of respect for not pushing his agenda through when he had the chance. Unlike most of the righties, Obama is truly trying to be bi-partisan, if this act doesnt show this, and if you cant see this, then you need to think about things a bit further than just right and left.

The republicans are and have always been about their agenda and are always willing to PUSH any of their ideals through with out even blinking, and no remorse if it was a bad decision......... but where does this get us? more partisanship.
DEMACRAT SUPERMAJORITY, and he didnt send us into socialism, or marxism, or comunism, or any other descriptive word the right likes to use to bash him. they are trying to use fear tactics again, oh when will they learn fear only gets you so far, if your scared for too long you become brave to it, and stand up against it. especially when you realize....... what your scared of reveals itself to NOT be what you expected.
Wow, please tell me you aren't really this stupid. The Republicans only had 40 seats you idiot. They couldn't stop ANYTHING, understand? The Progressives in the Democratic Party couldn't get all the DEMOCRATS to sign on to this lunacy. Obama would have signed ANYTHING, regardless of how unconstitutional or socialist it may have been, THAT'S WHY HE GETS NO RESPECT FROM US.

It's not even debatable, if he had his way we would have a disaster of a health care reform bill passed, amnesty for illegal aliens, cap n trade and anything else this Fascist Fuck could dream up.


Well-Known Member
All the news stations tell lies. Fox is no different than CNN, CBS, NBC, CNBC, ABC, Et Al. If you watch alot of Television your brain turns to mush. I think we all know why they call it such names as "boob tube" or "idiot box", euphemisms for naming the viewers. TV is probably the biggest brainwashing device ever set forth amongst the people. You really do become better informed and smarter if you just refuse to watch.

You know I always wonder why we bash the president and their administration for fiscal problems we have. I mean the President doesn't have shit power to spend our money. Congress is the one to blame, all those Senators and Representatives who only represent themselves and their own desires are the ones who have all the fiscal power. So when I hear people blame Bush(I'm not saying he was a great pres, I thought he sucked ass) for todays deficits it makes me wonder if people even understand how our political system works( At least how its SUPPOSED to work). There are many corrupt people who get elected only because they are smart and know how to lie and put on a front.

We need a Congress, A Supreme Court, and a President who want to decrease government size and decrease gov't intervention. Then these problems will start getting solved.


Well-Known Member
Wow, please tell me you aren't really this stupid. The Republicans only had 40 seats you idiot. They couldn't stop ANYTHING, understand? The Progressives in the Democratic Party couldn't get all the DEMOCRATS to sign on to this lunacy. Obama would have signed ANYTHING, regardless of how unconstitutional or socialist it may have been, THAT'S WHY HE GETS NO RESPECT FROM US.

It's not even debatable, if he had his way we would have a disaster of a health care reform bill passed, amnesty for illegal aliens, cap n trade and anything else this Fascist Fuck could dream up.

I agree with figtree. There is a lot of people who were hoping Obama could get one of his earlier health care bills through. He couldn't get the bill through because democrats siding with the insurance companies and republicans start screaming about how Obama is a nazi.

And this has happened on every issue. Some democrats side with big company while the republicns run around with their head chopped off screaming Obama is here to rape your children.

That's the way to act mature and try and solve anything. :spew:


Well-Known Member
I agree with figtree. There is a lot of people who were hoping Obama could get one of his earlier health care bills through. He couldn't get the bill through because democrats siding with the insurance companies and republicans start screaming about how Obama is a nazi.

And this has happened on every issue. Some democrats side with big company while the republicns run around with their head chopped off screaming Obama is here to rape your children.

That's the way to act mature and try and solve anything. :spew:
You agree with figtree because you are also an idiot. Read the first line of my post that you quoted. The Republicans could have lit themselves on fire and couldn't effect the outcome of Obama's agenda. It's simple math, if you can't wrap your head around that fact, there is NOTHING that can tear you away from the koolaid dispenser.


Well-Known Member
Muloc, did you get the boot from your insurance and have to give up your meds or something?

Remember this guy?

He wasn't sat until July, so the Dems have had the 60 votes for a whopping 6 months?

You know how long it takes for a bill to be written on, voted on in the committees, and passed up the chain of command to ultimately be voted on and adjusted between the house and senate? Then on to be signed into law?

Yeah and then getting every single Dem to agree to the bill and sign on it.

Wow, you seem to think that everything in life is a twitter post or something. Shit doesn't move that fast man. And not everyone is out to steal your cheese.


Well-Known Member
Look at what the republicans did. They spread fear throughout America. And let's be honest there are a lot of fucking stupid people in America. They ate up all that Nazi Socialism, Death Panel bullshit. Ya let's all be teabaggers and let companies run America. :clap:

So democrats being the pussies they are, are afraid to sign with anything put in front of them, in fear of losing their seat.

Which the republicans are trying to sell to corporate sell outs with a smile and a quick tongue. Just what they claim Obama to be, but their white. Jesus fucking Christ open your eyes. Use your fucking brain a bit.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I do remember him.

And you've got to be kidding, they had their bullshit bill ready to go in August, you remember the deadline? 6 months, Shirley you're not serious, Franken was ready to vote yes for anything they put in front of him... on DAY 1. They didn't need 6 days let alone 6 months.


Well-Known Member
Wow, please tell me you aren't really this stupid. The Republicans only had 40 seats you idiot. They couldn't stop ANYTHING, understand? The Progressives in the Democratic Party couldn't get all the DEMOCRATS to sign on to this lunacy. Obama would have signed ANYTHING, regardless of how unconstitutional or socialist it may have been, THAT'S WHY HE GETS NO RESPECT FROM US.

It's not even debatable, if he had his way we would have a disaster of a health care reform bill passed, amnesty for illegal aliens, cap n trade and anything else this Fascist Fuck could dream up.
You are using words like fascist and socialist either without knowing what they mean or you have lost touch with reality.

Calm the hyperbole down, smoke a J and watch the video. The black dude clearly is trying to extend an olive branch.


Well-Known Member
You agree with figtree because you are also an idiot. Read the first line of my post that you quoted. The Republicans could have lit themselves on fire and couldn't effect the outcome of Obama's agenda. It's simple math, if you can't wrap your head around that fact, there is NOTHING that can tear you away from the koolaid dispenser.

What is the need for name calling? Notice you are the only one in the thread doing that?


Well-Known Member
Oh, I do remember him.

And you've got to be kidding, they had their bullshit bill ready to go in August, you remember the deadline? 6 months, Shirley you're not serious, Franken was ready to vote yes for anything they put in front of him... on DAY 1. They didn't need 6 days let alone 6 months.
It was not clear that Franken had the seat till a few weeks before he was seated. Republican sore losers FTL.

Illegal Smile

What part of the budget "gives america the finger". Have you ever taken a course in Macroeconomics?
No, I got my PhD in economics without ever taking that. It gives America the finger because it takes enormous wealth from the future and brings it into the present by sleight of hand. A trillion dollar deficit for each of the next ten years. Our economy would look like Bolivia if Obama were allowed to continue.


Well-Known Member
You are using words like fascist and socialist either without knowing what they mean or you have lost touch with reality.

Calm the hyperbole down, smoke a J and watch the video. The black dude clearly is trying to extend an olive branch.
LoL, standard Progressive response. I suggest you wander over to my current thread so you can get educated along with Dragline on the actual definition of Fascism. He tried that same bullshit angle as well, to his demise. I love how these mental midgets that DON'T know the actual definitions keep directing those of us who do, to get a dictionary. Zip it, nitwit.

Here's a Link to the other thread:


Well-Known Member
Do you realize how much he trying to give to students? He spoke of letting you pay 10% of your income each year to pay off the loan. If you do not pay it if in 20 years it is forgiven. How awesome is that.

I 2 years left to finish my degree. Just in time to get the fuck out before the republicans stop all govt regulations and let the corporations take over.