Obama's Fake Lead in the Polls, Exposed!


Well-Known Member
Except to anyone who knows anything about this proposed pipeline, the one before it
(that has spilled and leaked numberous times) and it's effects, those things are all pretty much true.

DO you know anything at all about keystone?
Yeah man, sure look what happened in Gears 3, lambent locust!

We don't want a repeat of that.


Well-Known Member
he already told you that it would create few jobs. Pay attention. Plus the oil is slated to be sold out of the country. The only benefit will be to the oil companies, once again. The oil that is supposed to run through these pipes is highly corrosive tar sand - diluted bitumen - which boosts the risks of pipeline failure. The proposed pipeline will run through the Oglala Aquifer which is one of the world's largest fresh water aquifers. A spill there would be devastating and affect a vast area of people and wildlife. It would be a disaster.
I heard what he said and dispute his facts.

First of all, it would create a lot of construction jobs.

Second of all, there is a work around to bypass the aquifer.

Obama doesnt like fossil fuels and is doing everything in his power to block development of them.

It is not the governments job to impede economic progress.


New Member
Except to anyone who knows anything about this proposed pipeline, the one before it
(that has spilled and leaked numberous times) and it's effects, those things are all pretty much true.

DO you know anything at all about keystone?
Matter of fact I do know a little about it and yes it has had minor leaks but there is no such thing as perfection.

Take wind power generation, two decades ago, windmills were championed by the left as being a safe and viable alternative energy producer. Turns out it's been a proven deadly magnet for several species of protected birds.

How about hydroelectric power plants? That's right, using hydroelectric power is also a no no according to environmentalists, the dams block salmon passage to spawning grounds or the ocean!

No need to bring up solar energy, we all know how well Solydra worked out!

You do walk or ride a bicycle exclusively, right, don't tell me you're not one of those hypocrites are you?


New Member
Yes, exactly what the right wanted. In fact if you will recall the original idea was spearheaded by the heritage foundation.

Bush having to issue an exec order has nothing to do with Obama and the current price of fuel, need I remind you that our biggest export is gasoline?
An executive order that brought down the price of crude the very next day has nothing to do with Obama's failure to do the same? LOL I assumed you were smarter than this!
It's blatantly obvious you do not know a thing about the health care mandate the Heritage Foundation endorsed in the 1990's. That's all you have is left wing talking points, I thought you were a step above that, guess I was wrong.

BTW, don't think I didn't notice you dodging my EPA question!


Well-Known Member
Thats why the Chinese are about to take the contract instead right? Sure buddy. Could you tell me how oil companies competing to sell an abundant supply of oil does not lower the price of gas? Because for me its basic economics. Supply and demand. Why do you keep questioning everything I post with the most absurd idiotic responses? Just put me on ignore. If I keep talking to you it might make me stupid.


New Member
The Lies of Barack "Hussein" Obama

Amid an increased crackdown on medical marijuana producers across the nation, including a recent high-profile raid on a California training school, President Barack Obama faced questions in a new interview with Rolling Stone about the seeming disconnect between his 2008 campaign rhetoric and his administration's actions since he took office.
"I'm not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws [on medical marijuana]," Obama promised in 2008, according to an earlier Rolling Stone report. But Attorney General Eric Holder announced in 2010 that federal authorities would continue to prosecute individuals for marijuana possession, despite its legalized status in some states.
The Huffington Post's Lucia Graves reported recently on subsequent enforcement activity:
Since then, the administration has unleashed an interagency cannabis crackdown that goes beyond anything seen under the Bush administration, with more than 100 raids, primarily on California pot dispensaries, many of them operating in full compliance with state laws. Since October 2009, the Justice Department has conducted more than 170 aggressive SWAT-style raids in 9 medical marijuana states, resulting in at least 61 federal indictments, according to data compiled by Americans for Safe Access, an advocacy group.

Lets tell it like it is unclebuck above we can read obamas stance and lies. Romney on the other hand has specifically said he would not interfere with states marijuana laws!



Well-Known Member
..the fuck are you talking about? Every single question Romney gets he makes it crystal clear he wouldn't allow even MMJ if he were president, which means he would have to get rid of existing state laws which do allow it. Sounds like the complete opposite of what you just claimed.

Do I need to pull up the video of the kid in the wheelchair asking him about MMJ?


Active Member
This just HAD to be brought back up.

Fake lead in the polls huh?

Who the F won the election?

Geniuses. Keep it up repukelicans you are winning the majority of people over...seriously.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
romney got 47% its at least fake by 15 or 7 or 4 points whatever ends up actually being the truth, i can throw all teh percentage numbers of milloins out there it makes sense the GOP abacus says so

the mentality of the GOP and a desperate republican . . . . . . .


Well-Known Member
Why wont the MSM report on this and where are all these supposed fact checkers!

Our vaunted mainstream media (aka, Obama supporters) keeps telling us Romney had a really bad week, that his campaign is hanging by a thread. To illustrate exactly how bad a week Romney had...the latest polls show Romney has gone from being down five points to drawing even with President Obama.

In fact, Romney has had a really bad month. Here's a graphic from Gallup that shows how bad it's been, clearly, if things get any worse for Romney....he will become our next President.

Looking at the three most recent polls - Rassmussen has the race tied, Gallup has Obama up by 2 points, and Politico/GWU/Battleground has Obama up by 3.
The mainstream media is ringing the death knell for the Romney campaign...with the polls basically within the margin of error...and we haven't had a single presidential debate yet. Agenda, anyone ?

"Democratic pollsters Pat Caddell and Doug Schoen both confirmed their belief that major polls are skewed in favor of the Democrats by over-sampling of Democratic voters when the surveys are conducted.
Last week's Pew poll shows a ten point lead for President Obama, 51 percent to 41 percent, and the last Democracy Corps poll showing a 50 to 46 Obama lead. LeBoutillier said of the two polls, “in both polls, suddenly the president is at the magic 50 percent of above, which he has not been at really all year in any poll.”

Schoen pointed out that the Pew poll was based on Democrats sampled an 11 percent edge over Republicans."
hey clayton, how about an admission that you were dead fucking wrong here, buddy?


you and NLXSK have been too fucking pussy to show your faces around here since the election.

dumb fucks.


New Member
The truth has been exposed and the hard left can't stand it, the Kool aid drinking supporters of the narcissist in chief can't stand it, and they can't handle the truth. Whistle blown, skewed polls and biased media outed, the truth is out. The scammed election won't happen, and Mitt Romney will be elected fair and square as president by the voters. The American people will resume the mission of taking their country back from the liberal elitist pabulum pukers. Liberals and self-described progressive, deal with it.

Sorry retard, newsflash, Obama won, 4 more years, so take that to the bank.


Well-Known Member
The truth has been exposed and the hard left can't stand it, the Kool aid drinking supporters of the narcissist in chief can't stand it, and they can't handle the truth. Whistle blown, skewed polls and biased media outed, the truth is out. The scammed election won't happen, and Mitt Romney will be elected fair and square as president by the voters. The American people will resume the mission of taking their country back from the liberal elitist pabulum pukers. Liberals and self-described progressive, deal with it.

Sorry retard, newsflash, Obama won, 4 more years, so take that to the bank.
i could read that all day long.

yapping halfwit got owned and disappeared.


Well-Known Member
This is a game you have to win. There are rules and sure the rules get broken. Why do you think Mitt was so careful? He does not know what the President knows. He didn't realized the President had already covered himself in Rose Garden about Ambassodor Stevens for example. He didn't pay attention the sound bite gotcha. They got him saying you can't roll the windows down on airliners. That joke made him look horse and buggy.

Flatfooted. If you want to win, you do everything. If the Press didn't support the 1st, Not so White, President, they would be derailing their 50 year old agenda. They would be thowing out billions of dollars of Ad suppport they spent to get this done.

I think it is important.

And being not-PART, I am looking for the best asshole, tough guy to be the Dog.....Hillary.

But, then the battle of the wimps happened. Barry was not the wimp I thought. But, Mitt still is.